- two.

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May 1st 1982.

Sitting in the class, surrounded by a bunch of idiots that really didn't deserve to be in such a high up in grades class, and I was honestly ready to jump out of the window head first.

Math was never a subject that I had been the best at, but at least I could say that I was going to do better than anyone else in this class.

I purse out my lips, staring around the class and seeing numerous people with their feet up on their desks, chewing and popping their gum which was really annoying in a silent classroom.

Others were actually doing their work, and the rest were just looking at themselves in their pocket mirrors and loving themselves.

"You shouldn't have stood up to Ashley like that."

I hear the quiet voice from beside me, glancing over and seeing the red head sitting beside me, her glasses pushed up the bridge of the her nose. She wore a little floral dress, her hair in two braids as she gives a little weak and shy smile.

I bite down onto my bottom lip, wondering who she was talking about when I realise that Ashley, must have been the cheerleader from earlier.

"And why not? She was being a bitch." I shrug my shoulders, doodling on my blank page that I should have been writing notes down on.

Her gasp practically bounced off the walls around the classroom, ducking her head down in embarrassment before she whispers to me, pretending to write down notes and do equations so the teacher didn't suspect her.

"That's not a very nice word to say... Do your parents allow you to say that word? My parents would never allow me. They say it isn't lady like." She tells me, earning a scoff and a sarcastic laugh from me in response.

"My parents don't even know I exist. What's your name?" I suddenly grow interest in this girl. I don't know why, but I just did. I liked how innocent she was compared to me. And she was smart, not like the others.

"Angela. But I usually get called Angie." She smiles brightly, giving me a big crooked smile since her teeth weren't all that straight. Nothing she could do about that yet though. Maybe someday.

"I'm Ella."

She nods her head. "I know, I listened when you were at the front of the class. I like The Rolling Stones too."

Now that was surprising.

I was expecting her to be the kind that listens to church music and goes to pray on a Sunday along with my parents, but she liked a band. The same one as me.

"Wow... I actually never expected you to like a band... that I like. No offence." I comment to her, looking down at the doodle on my paper.

I feel her peaking over my shoulder at it as well, smiling.

"You should do art. You have amazing skills." Her hot breath hits against my neck, sending a shiver straight down my spine as I bite down onto my bottom lip and nod my head.

"Yeah... yeah I've took art."

She smiles at me before we hear the sound of the bell going off, signalling that it was time for a shift if classes, which I had gym next.

If there was one thing I hated more than my parents and cliché teenagers: It was gym.

Sweating, short shorts and school polo shirts, volleyball and the possibility of coming out with a broken nose?

Not really my thing.

I stand up, collecting my notes and things together and carelessly shoving them into the little messenger bag that my mother had picked me up before coming here, claiming that my school attitude needed to change.

I had four years for it to change before graduation, well... If it lasted that long without dropping out and becoming a drug dealer somewhere on the sketchy parts of town.

"Well I'll see you in gym Ella! It was nice meeting you! Um... Thank you for being nice to me." And with that, she quickly escapes the classroom before anyone else has the chance too.

I frown in her direction, not knowing what she meant with me being nice to her... and why she thanked me? Strange girl. But I liked it.

I grab my messenger, throwing it onto my shoulder and make my way out of the classroom and glance around looking for the gym hall.

I find the locker rooms and head into them, noticing that all the other girls were already standing getting themselves changed.

I just stroll past and straight over to Angie who was hiding herself away in the corner from everyone else.

"Hey Angie." I greet her, putting my bag down and going into the locker that had my name labelled on it, seeing the shorts and polo inside, a pair of white tennis shoes to go with it.

How did they even know my size?

I roll my eyes, not even needing to think before knowing that it was the work of my dearest mother who never let me have any privacy.

She looks at me, smiling as she pulls off her dress and shy away as she tries to get her gym uniform on as quick as she can.

I give her a confused look, humming as I just shake my head and pull off my band shirt, sliding my skinny jeans right off.

She stares at me in shock of my confidence as I glance at her, sending a little sly wink before continuing to get the shorts and polo shirt on.

I stare at the plain outfit and shake my head a little, tucking the polo into the shorts and pulling them up like waist height, sliding the tennis shoes on.

"If you think you'll get away with dressing like that, you have another thing coming."

I heard that same whiny voice from earlier when I first arrived at the school and remember the name that Angie had told me.

"Hello Ashley, how can I help you? I don't see how I decide to dress affects you in any way." I look at her, all the girls in the locker rooms stopping to watch us once again, hoping for a rematch.

"It's disgusting! Y-You dress like a slut! Band t shirts are not cute. Boys don't find that attractive."

I let out a snort and shake my head. "Who said I was trying to attract boys? I just like the bands and its my style. Sorry that I have some originality unlike the rest of you." I point out each of them that all look and dress the same.

I suddenly heard the laughter going through the locker room as they all point and laugh at me in the following suit of Ashley herself.

"If you aren't impressing boys, are you- trying to impress girls?" She sniggers to herself.

I narrow my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as I puff it out in confidence.

"And if I was? What would it be to you?"

Her face fills with horror and disgust as she looks around the rest of the girls and points at me.

"That's disgusting! God isn't for that. Men and Woman were made to be together, plus Men are so much hotter. Also- you get changed in here with us. You could have been watching us change!" She cries out as the other girls gasp and mumble between themselves about me.

I let out a scoff and shake my head.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetie. None of you are attractive enough for my tastes."

Ashley gets right up into my face, smirking at me as she looks down at me since she was taller, towering over me.

"That's because we're all too hot for you. Fine."

She pulls away, extending her arms out to signal to the rest of the girls.

"Who is your type then, Ella? Please, do tell us."

I glance around them all, looking each one over before my eyes land on the only one who really drew my interest, and made me want to get to know her more.

She was the only one really that made me question what my sexuality was.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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