
"Dinner was fabulous."

Clark's eyes bore with love into Asia's as he opened the passenger door, "Yes it was."

Asia slipped in the car and her boss closed the door and then he walked around to the other side and hopped in the car. Clark turned on the radio and Mozart was playing, as he sped down the street.

"Would you like to come over for a night cap?" Clark's stopped breathing as he waited for her answer, he wanted to mate with her tonight and make the connection and hopefully she would overlook his horrible mistakes and not run for her life once her memory was intact again.

Asia didn't answer right away, the truth was that she was very attracted to her boss, but wondered if it was smart to mix business with pleasure, what if things went wrong, she wasn't excited about the fact she would have to find another job, she loved the one she had now.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea Clark, I mean, it's late and we have to be in the office early tomorrow for the Kramer case."

"It will be a quick night cap and then I'll take you home!" He lied, as he merged into the highway and stepped on the accelerator.

"Fine, but we must keep track of time." I would love to jump your bones, she thought to herself, without a doubt he was the kind of man she would want to give you her virginity to.

Twenty minutes later Clark pulled up to the driveway and jumped out of his car. He opened the car door for her to get out and after slamming it shut, they walked up the driveway to the front door of his modest mansion.

Clark fumbled with the key and he nervously slipped it the key hole. He quickly stepped inside and flipped on the light switch, "Please come in."

If the rest of the mansion was anything like the foyer, Asia thought, she would move in with him and beg him to marry her.

"Something wrong?" Clark asked, "You seem thoughtful."

Yes, I'm in love with you and don't know how to tell you!

Embarrassed, Asia replied, "I was admiring the foyer." Her eyes scanned around the huge foyer once again, "The chandelier is exquisite, is it from Europe?"

"Yes, I bought it on one of my trips to France, have you ever visited there?"

"No, but it is number one on my bucket list."

I'll take you there on our honeymoon, the Fay thought.

"What else is on your bucket list?" He asked, as he made his way into the family room.

Asia walked close behind him and she couldn't help but notice how beautifully decorated his home was, ignoring his question, she asked him, "Who decorated your home?"

"I hired a Interior decorater," the Fay motioned for her to sit down. "Can I get you a drink?"

"No thank you," placing herself comfortably on the couch, Asia smiled up at Clark, "your decorator done a marvelous job, when I get rich enough, I too will hire her."

"I'll be right back, I'm going to change into something more comfortable." He told her.

Disappearing through the hallway, Asia found herself wondering what her boss looked like naked. She suspected he had abs of steel, and wanted to know what it would feel like to lay in bed with him and make love, was he a sexy lover, she thought, does he possess a huge dick?

"I'm back." Clark said cheerfully, and he noticed that Asia's face flushed when she looked up at him. "I'm going to pour myself a drink if you don't mind, are you sure you don't want one?"

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