Chapter 1:Creepers Come Alive

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        "Okay time to go on my epic hotel" Maxwell said. I entered my hotel shut the door and then got an update. I grabbed a book it was new it was called Mobs. I opened it and flipped through abunch pages cause it showed pictures  of somthing I guess called a Creeper it said WARNING creepers have a warning before exploding.

        "Exploding?"  What dows that mean? Then I heard sssssss I turned at the door and saw an explosion I saw theese creepers and then I heard it again ssss so I sprinted and I went up the lader to the Barack...

        "wait barack???" I don't remember a barrack. I looked at a sighn that said Creeper kit under it was a chest.

        "Perfect." I said. I opend the chest and there was somthig called a bow and bellow it, it said enchantment fire acspect 3.

        "Intresting." I said. Then there was somthig called Iron armor so I put it in my inventory. I lookedin my inventory and I saw a new slot I put all my armor in my hot bar when I unckicked inventory I right clicked the armor and a new thing appered I herd 3 booms

        "Jackson!" I yelled. Jackso is my brother I opened my map onto lan so he could join.

        But of course I hear him yell "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theres a beast that just slain me."

        " yah there." I said "is Next time you do this run up to the top level K no madder what you see sprint k."


        I went down to the bottem level strung my bow and fired it at one of the creepers I read a part of the book that said they burn in daylight it didint work they only burned by my arrows so i had to parcor to the 2nd floor the creepers blew up the ladders I opend up my book it said exept for creepers.

        "of course it tells me that now." I said I'll have to resort to my wepons then I relized.

        "Ok I made it." Jackson said

        "get the zombie slayer kit on K." I said I took the creeper one so I resorted to zombie slayer.

        "what is this gold sword and gold armor?" Jackson asked

        "put on the armor take out the sword and get close and personle with theese creepers k." i said

        "K." jackson said he took the final creeper out. I looked at a chest and it had alot of diffrent sets of iron blocks so i gave jackson half of them so we repaired the wall.

        I stared at jackson and said "we gotta get prepaired for another one of theese."

        "I know how about you make a mine???" Jackson said

        I giggled "if anything you would start mining you little snake."

        "Oh yah I forgot"

        We bolthed started giggleing I got on top of the tower and saw floods of them comming in "Creeper alert!!!!" I shouted me and him made an iron wall Around the hotell.

        "now for the door"  he mined out the iron blockes ssssss BOOM!!!!

        "OMG are you okay" I said

        "yes but the real question is what about the hotell." he said.

        "Oh its fine just cleared it up." I let one by so when he came back sssss BOOM!!!!!

        "hey!!!!" And there it goes

        "Oh didint see that one sorry." I said

        "Really!!!" He yelled

        "Of course I saw it. I have an I for theese things."  I said

        "I hate you." He said

        "No you dont." I said

        "Yah I do." He said

        "Oh hi mister creeper come on in I have someone for you." I tempted.

        "Fine fine I dont." he said

        "There we go." I said

        "Its not an end for theese things and I know it." I said

        "Your right its not that easy it cant be." He said.

        "Yep now I know for a fact get the strongest thing possibal this is crazy." I said

        "Woh." He said

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