Same university,same choice

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After sealing his Psychic abilities permanently. Saiki graduates highschool and decided to go Aoyama Gakuin University in Shibuya Tokyo despite of his brother telling him to go study abroad.

Aoyama Gakuin University or AGU is a prestigious university with notable former students that is now successful politicians, businessman and celebrities.  He doesn’t have a course of choice but for his apparent condition, Saiki then choice the course of Human Studies, major of general psychology.

For no reason, his psychic powers are starting to returning, not us powerful as before rather it is more useful. His telekinesis abilities had return, including teleportation, super strength and flexibility. However his telepathy, thoughtography,pyrokinesis and others are permanently gone…or so he thought.

On the other hand,  Teruhashi Kokomi who always gots the favors by God very much. Maybe the Goddess of luck, successfully passed the entrance exam of Aoyama Gakuin University. This school isn’t her first choice and she had received a lot of invitations from those well-known school from different countries but knowing that Saiki, his dream guy enrolled to AGU. She decided to try.

Her choice of course is Education, major of social studies.. Her outstanding charisma and influence by her beauty is a really asset for the profession that she wants to pursue.

With Teruhashi’s luck, the two were classmates in their minor subjects too.. Also, their courses were connected. What will happen if the two get close together? Closer that usual..

After graduating P.K. Academy (Teruhashi x Saiki)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum