How To: Frizzy Hair Fix

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Frizzy hair can make you look clumsy no matter how beautiful you are. It is also quite problematic to manage. Hair becomes frizzy when it turns dry after a hair wash. People with curly hair are more prone to developing a frizz in their hair. Managing frizzy hair can really be a matter owe and expense. All the chemical treatments available for dry frizzy hair can only give you relief for a while, but ends up damaging your hair in the long run. So stop spending on chemical products and try these natural remedies for frizzy hair.


Use mayonnaise Instead of any artificial conditioners for frizzy hair. This is a very good natural conditioner that long lasting effects. apply mayonnaise all over your hair from root to the tips. Pull on a shower cap and let it stay in our hair for 20-45 minutes. Then you just simply wash off and voilà, your hair should be less frizzy.


Mash one banana and mix with 2 tablespoons of almond or avocado oil. Apply it all over your hair and leave it in for 20-25 minutes. Rinse well and make sure there aren't any particles left in your hair. You will already find the difference in your hair texture after the wash. it will become much more manageable, smooth and shiny.


A hot oil treatment once a week is one of the best remedies for frizzy hair. Heat 2 or 3 tablespoons of almond or coconut oil over a flame. Massage the hot oil gently all over your hair and scalp. Leave it In over night and wash it off he next day to discover beautiful more manageable hair. WARNING: DO NOT ADD OIL INTO YOUR HAIR IF IT IS BOILING HOT! THE WHOLE PURPOSE OF THIS IS JUST TO WARM IT UP NOT BURN YOUR SKIN! You can also just place the ingredients in a container and microwave till its hot enough where its hot but cold enough where you wont burn yourself.


Egg whites are a very good natural conditioner. But, many people avoid it due to stinking smell. Well, you can get rid of the smell from your hair after wash. If egg whites are mixed with curd, the stinky smell off egg completely disappears. Take 2 or 3 egg whites and add 2 tablespoons of curd into it and mix well. apply it all over your head and wash it off 10-15 minutes later.


Yes beer is actually an amazing setting lotion for your hair. pour any kind of beer into a spray bottle and spray it all over your hair. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with warm water. You can easily get rid of your frizz with this alcoholic spray.


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