A Friend in Need

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It was dark and musty inside the bunker. The only light emanating from distant ceiling lights here and there, flickering every now and then. The soft humming of generators and...what was that?
You here a muffled screaming sound coming from a dark room to your left. Joseph was right behind you, leading you to what you assume would be a restroom of some kind. But when you squint your eyes trying to identify the sound you heard, you can see a figure of a man tied up on the floor in a room. The soft light of a flickering lamp lightly outlining his body. You look harder, slowing your pace to see who it was.
There can't be anyone else down here, can there?
For a split second you realize that the man tied up in the other room was Pratt! You stop dead in your tracks when your eyes widen at the sight of him. He looks at you with urgent eyes, desperately trying to communicate with you. He looked terribly beat, all bloodied up and sweaty. Joseph nudged your back to get you to keep walking.
"Y/n, my dear, Pratt seems to be the only other survivor from the wreck. God willed it, and so it will be. He will stay with us in the safety of the bunker. Do not worry for him. We need to take care of you first."
You continue to look at him as you keep walking forward and eventually turn your head forward to see yourself coming upon a bathroom with cool blue tiles lined on the floor and tan walls.
How can this be? I could have sworn he was dead when I saw him in the truck..maybe I am dreaming... this has to be a dream!
You start to feel dizzy as all these thoughts come rushing through your head. You shake your head trying to stay calm, but you can't help it. You turn around on your heel and throw your hands up.
"What are you going to do with him?! What are you going to do with me? What's happening? I don't understand!" You can feel hot tears welling in your eyes as you drop to your knees. Joseph hushes you as he follows you to the floor, hands on your shoulders. Tears are streaming down your face and you can feel the anger and confusion building up inside you. You look up at him and at his blue, blue eyes. His face is a blur as you try to control your sharp inhales. All you want to do is shake the shit out of him and tell him to let you go, and open that bunker door and there will be green hills and birds singing their songs.
Joseph puts your head in his hands as he gently rests his forehead to yours, a classic maneuver you knew well. You put your shaking hands on his as you tried to speak.
"Why is this happening? Why haven't you killed me? Why am I here?" Is all you can think to say, speaking in only a whisper at best.
He pulled away slightly and looks at you in the eyes.
"Everything is going to be okay y/n, trust me. You must have faith. You and I...as well as Pratt are here by the grace of God. And when we walk out those doors again the world will be anew. A better place. Eden's Gate. Then we can start a new world together, you and I."
You slowly raise your eyes to meet his, frightened by his words but at the same time...content? What does he mean by that?
This is becoming too biblical for me. I can't do this.
You thought to yourself, and you look away, putting your hands on your face and slowly shaking your head. Joseph watches you with a saddened look on his face. He pulled something out of his pocket and brings it up to your face. What is it? It looks like a cloth of some sort.
Ohh.. that smell...I know what this is. It smells amazing. I could breath it in all day..wait a second. Shit, is this bliss?? What the fuck..
Your eyes widened at the epiphany and you try to break away from him but he holds you closer, keeping the drugged cloth to your face as you slowly drift into a blissful high.
"I know this isn't what you want, but it's for the best. Let it help you y/n. Put your faith in me, I will take care of you. I'm not here to hurt you." He cooed to you as you eyelids got heavy and the dreary walls and lights started dancing in your vision.
The next moment you are sitting in a chair, only a bra and panties on. You notice you are still in the bathroom, the water is running. You listen to the soft puttering of the water hitting the sides of the shower. You feel so good right now, you hope this high will never fade. But your limbs feel heavy and you don't want to move.
Moments later you hear muffled voices coming closer to you. You move your head toward the voices and you see Joseph walking Pratt along the hallway, coming closer with every step. You just watch them, admiring the way Joseph walked and the way his hips swayed, your eyes were glued to his crotch. You knew you were out of your mind but you didn't care. The bliss had a good hold on you.
"You're going to take her undergarments off and you are to wash her properly  for me. Don't disappoint me." Joseph was telling Pratt, he raised his arms and looked towards the sky, "God is always watching." He said as he brought his arms down and his eyes landed on Pratt once more. He turned around and disappeared into another room, only to bring back a chair and set it in the hallway facing the bathroom a few yards away. He sat in the chair and leaned back with a book in his hand and crossed his legs.
Staci looked at the Father and looked down at you sitting lazily on the chair in the bathroom.
"Aw fuck." He whispered to himself. You looked up at him with heavy doe eyes. He still had a lot of dried blood and dirt on him, maybe even a broken nose. But he looked to be alright otherwise, which made you sigh with  relief.
"Pratt... I'm so glad you're here. I thought I was alone. I think I'm going crazy." You said with your head bobbing around on your shoulders. You felt like you were in a whirlwind. "How are we getting out of here?" You asked him, trying so hard to keep your eyes on him. He looked down on you with melancholy in his eyes.
"Look y/n..." there was a short pause before he continued, "I don't think there is a way out of here. We just need to do what he wants for now...I'm sorry." He said, putting a hand on your bare shoulder.
Staci practically jumped ten feet when Joseph spoke, his head peering in the doorway.
"Well get going Pratt, I don't have all night. I have dinner planned for us." He said, giving you one last look as he turned on his heels and left.
"Y-yes father." He managed to spit out as he tuned his head back to you.
"Alright, I'm going to have to get you undressed and get you in the shower. Okay y/n?" You thought for a minute and said
"I don't think I can even stand right now."
"It's okay. I'll help you." He pulled you up with ease and began to unhook your bra when you turned and grabbed his arm.
"Don't look at me! I can do it" You said. You tried really hard to get it off but you just couldn't get your fingers to grasp it. You started laughing with frustration and almost fell over when he put his arms around you and grabbed you.
"It's okay it's okay" He said, trying to calm you down. He walked with you into the shower and laid you down in the tub, the cool water lightly bouncing off your hot skin. "We'll get through this." He said as he grabbed some soap from off a side table. You looked up at him and giggled, "maybe you're the one that should be taking a shower." And your eyelids got so heavy with the sound of the water and the soft strokes of the soap traveling up and down your arms. You drifted into a light sleep while Pratt tried his best to bathe you.
"Well, ladies first I guess." He said.

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