Oh wow... (Jack)

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Jack Maynard....your boyfriend of about 7 months. You met him on the way to work, he bumped into you you guys instantly hit it off.

Earlier in the realationship you discovered that he was a social media star, you asked him if he couldn't tell his fans about you two and he agreed. 

Jack later on decided that he wanted to get in better shape so he did. And the hard work paid off because now Jack models for Calvin Klein (imagine jack with a body like marcus butler).

Jack decided he wanted to get a bigger flat, so he moved and when he did he asked you to move in with him...you did.

Now the thing was ever since Jack became a model he had a way busier schedule and because of that he hasn't talked to the buttercreams in like 5 months, now normally if any of them got to busy they would suprise eachother by randomly showing up at their flat.

But Jack moved so nobody knows where he lives, all in all they all lost contact with him except Anna and Conor.

So one day Conor got Jacks new adress and decided to show up at yours and Jacks shared flat...with all the buttercreams.

You woke up that moring to no crying and no Jack which is odd. Since Jack had a free day you both decided to just chill at hime with Ella (your sisters kid) 

So you git up and put on Jacks grey sweatshirt and some calvin booty shorts and you put your brown hair into a messy bun.

So you git up and put on Jacks grey sweatshirt and some calvin booty shorts and you put your brown hair into a messy bun

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As you were putting your hair into a messy bun you heard the doorbell ring 

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As you were putting your hair into a messy bun you heard the doorbell ring 

"Babe can you please get that I have a sleepy Ella on me" Jack said walking into your shared bedroom 

He was wearing no shirt which he did alot (shows off his great abs) some grey joggers with Calvin Klein underwear, his famous ray ban black glasses and a sleepy 3 month old on his shoulder.

"Sure Jack" you said turing around giving him a quick peck on the lips and heading to the door.

As you looked through the peep hole you saw about 7 middle aged men standing at the door, confused you opend the door to have all the attention on you.

"Hello, may I help you?" You asked kindly giving a smile to the one in the front.

"Uhh maybe we have the wrong place" he responded back.

"Conor I told you Jack wouldn't have this nice of a flat!" A tall blonde said.

"Jack?" You questioned 

"Yeah! Do you know him?" Another tall man said yet he had Ginger hair.

"Ye-" you got cut off 

"Babe whos at the door?" Jack said walking over to the door still with Ella sleeping on his sholder 

"Jack?" A shorter skinny man said.

"Joe?" Jack said in shock

"Wait bloody hell what are you boys doing here?" Jack said while looking at all of the boys stood at his door step.

"Ahhh so your the "boys" Jack always talks about" you said smirking at Jack.

"Babe can you please take Els to her crib" Jack says through his teeth.

"Nope shes all yours hun" you said smiling at him.

"Ill be right back" Jack says walking into Ellas room

"Well boys come on in! Make yourselves at home" you said letting them in your flat

They all came in and sat down on the sofas and introduced themself to youJack came back about 3 minutes later and sat down right next to you.

It was silent for about 5 minutes until.

"WHAT THE HELL JACK" Conor screamed 

"Oi! There is a baby asleep and I doubt you want to wake her up or else you'll have to deal with me" you said looking Conor right in the eyes.

"When did you get a eight pack!?"

"Why is there a hot girl in your flat?"

"How did you afford this flat?"

"When did you become the next Calvin Klein model?"

"When did you have a baby!"

"Ok guys im gonna answer this one at a time ok" Jack said looking at them.

"Well it all started when

Should I make a part 2?!

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