chapter 2

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     I woke with a start in a hospital room he was nowhere to be found. The nurse came in and said everything was ok i could leave when i wanted. I asked her what happened she said the story she got from the man that took me to the hospital said i fell. I asked her where he went she said “he was just here”. She looked around said he must have left and she too then left.

 Things were fuzzy on my way home i remember very little of what happened. No one was inside my house when i entered but on the stand i found a note that read “ i will return this isn't the last time you'll see me. Call the cops and you will only cause yourself more trouble.  Farewell bitch your loving husband Zach Levi”.

  I looked in the mirror and all i saw was a broken, terrified looking girl. My cheek was red where he hit me, my forehead had a cut and i had bags under my eyes from not sleeping well for years.  I was at loss as to what to do I couldn't leave or call the cops. My friend had helped me alot already but i had no other choice.

I called him “ hello?” he answered not knowing the number

“ its me” i said knowing he would understand

“Zoey, what’s wrong did he find you”

 “he did i didn't know what else to do” i sobbed

“you did the right thing by calling me what did he do” he asked in a sharp tone

“he slapped me, i deserved it”

“what about all those other times he hit you, you didn't deserved it then you don't now” he yelled then apologized for raising his voice.

“i need to leave to get away from him i just don't know where to go”

“come home” he begged

“you know i can't do that seth” i said

“ yeah i know, i just wished it wasn't like this”

“me too i love you”

“love you too Zo”

I didn't know how much he actually meant it.

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