Scarlet / Red

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It took Tony three days to rebuild Vision's facial structure, with the help of the stone in Vision's head. Wanda's guilt kept her from training or leaving her rooms at all. She felt that her failure to act led to the AI's injury, no matter how insignificant it may be for someone made out of vibranium. No one could talk her down, not even a lengthy facetime call from Hawkeye. Finally, Tony and Steve approached Vision about her.

"Hey hey, my Vision. I need you to talk to Wanda." Tony said, barging into the AI's rooms. He was still surprised that the room was basically empty save for a ton of computers. Steve was right on Tony's heels, arms crossed over his chest, shield attached to his back, as always. Vision, on the other hand, looked unfazed as they entered. He was floating slightly above the ground in the middle of the room, warping some information in the space before him.

"Wanda will not let me into her room, Mr. Stark, no matter how many times I knock." He responded curtly, eyes closed as he waved his hands to make the information disappear. "I have done scans on Ms. Maximoff through the wall; she feels guilty, it seems. I do not know how my talking to her will do any good."

"Vision, you're the one that got hurt. She thinks it's her fault, that she failed." Steve explained, walking closer to the red being. "If she could see that you're truly okay, and that you don't blame her for your injury, she would perhaps come out of her funk."

"Funk is a kind of music, Captain, I do not know why she would have to come out of it. Besides, I do not blame her for my injury, it was a mere accident, and I have been rebuilt, thanks to Mr. Stark's provisions." Vision lowered himself to the ground, bringing his hardwired hand to his perfect face.

"Actually, that was all Bruce. I just like to take credit for everything." Tony admitted, twisting his face into a frown. "Just... tell her that you don't blame her, and try and talk to her."

"I do not understand emotion, Mr. Stark. I don't know how I can talk to her in a way that will help her." Vision looked at the wall he shared with Wanda, "But... if it is truly important to both of you, then I will do my best to persist and discuss with her the ramifications of that mission."

Steve nodded once, and left the room. Tony clapped Vision on the shoulder, and started to turn away, but then added, "You're part me, part Bruce, and part Thor. Just... forget the Bruce part when you talk to the ladies." He chortled, then exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Vision, not needing to breathe, never understood why people in movies take deep breaths before going in to talk to someone. Nonetheless, he thought he might try to imitate it as a way to get into the human mindset, and took two deep breaths, feeling nothing in his artificial lungs.

He first attempted to knock on her door, with two quick raps on the door. No response. He did a quick lifescan to make sure that she was alright; not sleeping, at least. He knocked again, this time three slower raps. "Ms. Maximoff, it is me, Vision. I wanted to speak with you, if that's alright." An attempt at the doorknob. Locked. He didn't want to consider that it was weird that her room had a lock and his did not. "Ms. Maximoff, if you could just unlock the door, I would like to come in and speak with you." Again, no response. The door remained locked. Vision, knowing the full extent of his powers, took an unnecessary deep breath and announced, "I'm coming in through the door, Ms. Maximoff." He floated through the door.

The first thing he noticed was the broken furniture, with red stains on it all. Blood, he thought at first, but when he touched the edge of a desk, it attacked. It was her scarlet magic, then. The doorknob was not locked, just twisted from this side. He then noticed the curled up figure in the middle of the room, the source of the blast that occurred. A shaking figure; Vision, floating slightly over the ground, approached her, and knelt down beside her.

"Ms. Maximoff, are you alright?" He questioned cautiously. He lowered his hands to just above her back, but hesitated. Only cries came from the witch, and Vision recalled seeing a scene in a film where the man held the woman in his arms to comfort her. Lacking any tense emotion, Vision floated a bit closer and nimbly pulled the disheveled woman into his arms. He was surprised that she didn't push away or stiffen, and he watched as the red glow around her faded. 

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