(Chapter1) New day

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(Your pov)
I walked true the hangar of the ship when I saw 2 boys clean up. They did talk about..... Luke. I saw Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and Meadow in a 'group'. I walked to them and said hi. There answers sounded like they were surprised by me.  But 5 minutes later Luke realised that he heard 2 boys talking about him and the rest of the group. I asked if Luke wanted to come with me to ask about it. Luke agreed with it.  Han, Leia and Chewie stayed there and talked further. They weren't that interested.
Alex (1 of the 2 boys) saw us and waved to us. I waved back. My little sister, Meadow waved back too.
Luke:'I heard our names.'
Meadow: 'They were talking about us,cause we are perfect.' Of course *winks*
Second guy: 'Sorry but you have a reason that your little. Cause your a little perfect.'
Everyone needed to laugh.
I said:'Damn diss!' You got her good!
Everyone just stared at me but after a few seconds, we just began to laugh.

Who is that with his beautiful blue eyes and....
Wait what am I doing. I don't know him yet. I need to stop talking in my head....,but he's so cute.... NO i'm doing it again. Man I need to learn not to,talk to myself in my head. But it is fun. Like when I am bored it something. But since when did I began to fall for looks? Hmm.....

'Oh sorry I forgot to say what my name is. I'm Anakin Skywalker, nice to meet you guys." He smiled
Luke was frozen for a few seconds. It actually looked really funny. But he had that moment of realizing after. It was his brother. Yoda talked about him. Luke just ignored the fact.
I caught Anakinvstaring at me. And I said:' What are you staring at?'
Anakin answers super quietly:' I was staring at you. Cause you're cute'
I heard that. Cause I had good hearing. And I am just someone who wants to know everything.
'Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?'
He needed to laugh at my answer.
'(Y/n) I didn't know you had the best replies ever.
'Do you actually think that?' I asked with a little blush.
'Wait how do you know my name?'
Anakin said nothing, but smiled at me with a little grin. "By the way, There is something on your face." He said smiling.Wait REALY?!" I was so embarrassed
Yes, a cute smile. *he winked *

(Anakins Pov)
She is so cute when she doesnt know what's going on.
Wait Am I. No just. Wait what? I don't know what's on in my own head? Did I just fall for a girl who I never met. Well that is a new experience.

Sorry if is not so good. And short. I need time to get into it cause this is my first book if a real story. The other ones are drawings and funny things in Sw/Swr/TCW but I hope you liked it. And sorry about the cliffhanger. I just.... Naawh it's not really a cliffhanger. I hope you liked it so far. I hope I can update soon. And maybe i'm gonna write more in this chapter. But I hope you find it oké. Bye Forcies

Skygirl out


I actually am going true this book and editing. Please if you need to, re-read it. Cause I am making changes cause its cringe and it not going anywhere at this point. Thank you

Spacy, out.

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