chapter 045 // hot day, beach day

Start from the beginning

"Oh him? He's my DUMB older cousin!" he looked back at her with an offended look on his face

"Who are you calling dumb?!"

"You, dumbass!" then Marina came by a wrapped her arm around his neck

"I he acts like a 5 year old who didn't get what he wanted!"

"Marina!!" now both her & Chris were laughing

"Let me introduce myself! My name is Marina H. Sokolov, I'm half Russian half Norwegian & I'm currently 23!" she said with a bow

"I'm Vitaly H. Sokolov, I'm also half Russian half Norwegian & I'm currently 20."

"My 2 years younger little brother!"

"You two are also know as Snow Harpy & Anubis with powerful transformation type quirks! Even though they've both been pro heroes for a few years they are already popular & are in the top 10 ranked heroes!!" Midoriya screamed, the two kinda just stared at him

"It seems that we've got a fan." Chris shook her head

"Nah, fan boy."

"C-Chris-san!" Sero & Iida took a breather & relaxed when they found out that he was only her cousin but they both couldn't help but feel a bit jealous on how close he was getting to her... but it went away as soon as she punched him in the gut

"Why are we standing around here for? Lets go into the water!" she cheered as she stood up, a few others cheered but a few had their faces flushed when she took off the silk that was covering her waist down "Am I that fabulous that I've got you guys flushed?" she cooed as she threw it over her shoulder, her aunt then came up from behind her & hugged her

"From what your uncle told me, you have your mother's beauty! But you have more of a masculine figure then a female one." her aunt said with a thick Russian accent, Chris shuddered when she felt a few of the girls trail their hands up her muscles

"You really are the most masculine girl in our class, Chris-chan!" Hagakure cheered

"I bet you might make a few of the boys jealous." Asui said, she awkwardly scratched her cheek before rolling up the beach skirt & whipping Mineta in the face when he was having oogly towards her, her aunt & her cousin

"Don't even think about it, Mineta... or else you'll be swimming with the sharks." she threatened with a menacing glare, her aunt pulled her back

"Now now, Christian, this is your day off! Well kinda, but you cousin & I can look after ourselves! Go enjoy yourselves!" she then smiled at the class "By the way, my name is Veronika H. Sokolov, I am the Winter Hero: Snow Queen & I am full Russian. удовольствие познакомиться." she said lastly in Russian before bowing her head, they all look at Chris

"She said pleasure to meet you." with that Veronika smiled brightly at them, Chris laughed loudly when Kirishima, Ashido & Kaminari splashed water on her. She smirked & brought her arms up, little did they know is that she brought along a stone that let her control water & was hanging around her neck, they stared with widened eyes as a tidal wave was now in front of them before running away... but they got washed away

"No fair!" she smirked as she grabbed the necklace & lifted her hand up again

"I don't care." she then slammed her hand down & created another tidal wave, she then looked over & saw Uraraka & Midoriya chatting with Iida as well but Midoriya was blushing whenever Uraraka got to close to him, she then got an idea & went underwater 

"This is really fun, neh, Deku-kun & Iida-kun!"


"Yes, indeed!" Iida added, the two then look up at Iida & saw that he was lightly blushing

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