Chapter 2

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Applejack POV

Ah feel kinda bad for Rainbow. But, Ah gotta look. Ah looked up and saw a girl white hair, side os her head shaved, and purple tips and dark purple eye shadow. Ah was so surprised, what is up with this girl? She looks like, such, such a brute.

Rainbow Dash POV

Look away Rainbow Dash, she isn't worth your time. She isn't worth anything. I'm not going back. I refuse to, I promised my friends. I looked away from her. I just can't stand this bitch any longer than I have too. The bell rang and Mrs. Carrie walked in. She explained some stupid shit. I almost feel asleep. Actually, I did fall asleep. Applejack kept waking me up. The bell rang and everybody rushed out of class. "Stay back, apples. We gotta leave last. Just so the traffic is lowed down in the fucking hallway" I said putting an arm in front of her. As the hallways noise died down we left the class. I learned the hard way on the first day. I'm not the tallest, or the biggest, so I got trampled. I'm still pretty strong. It's easy to get trampled being me. I think AJ would have been fine. But, the kids are fucking gigantic. "What class do we have now, RD?" Applejack said looked at me.

"We have gym, I'm captain of ALL the sports teams. Warning, Rarity designed the gym outfits, for girls, REALLY tiny skirts and low cut shirts. So be careful, people may try to 'look' if you get what I'm saying" I said as we walked down the hall. "Oh, okay, is she like. A perv?" AJ said giggling. "Totally a fucking perv. She always says it's 'fashion' pfft, fashion my ass. More like making us look like fucking sluts and hookers" I said laughing. We got to the gym and we all changed. Most of the girls were happy, pulling their skirts up higher around guys. Personally, I hate this shirt. I hate this so much, I'm forced to. The gym teacher said were running hurdles. Every time we hit a hurdle, I can see the girls in front me's underwear. Some need to learn what a tampon, or at least a pad is. I don't wanna see your blood soaked panties. Luckily, I was a fast runner. The only way I saw a girls panties is when I was running laps around them. Some girls, running and spreading your legs, ugh.... Your period blood gets fucking all over your fucking legs and even drips at some point, fucking gross.

Once we got to art class I sat in my seat and grabbed a pencil. The teacher said, as normal, draw a beautiful women. Draw the most beautiful girl in the school, the first girl that comes to mind.

Applejack POV

I drew a picture of Rainbow Dash. She is the first girl that came to mind for me. As for her, she got detention for drawing a naked lady. She even whispered to me "Draw me like one of your french girls" I laughed loudly at that. Rainbow even took the picture and shoved it in her bag giggling.

"Oh, girls, how is everybody? I'm going to draw myself, because I am beautiful! What did everybody draw?" Rarity said smiling. Everybody in Rainbow's group of friends are in this class. "Ah draw Rainbow Dash." Ah said smiling. "I drew a naked women on a strippers pole!" Rainbow Said laughing loudly. "Oh! You're adisgusting roughian! You are such a pervert! Fluttershy? What did you draw?" Rarity said death glaring Rainbow Dash then smiling towards Fluttershy. Rainbow just laughed it off. "I...uh...I drew a garden of adorable animals" Fluttershy said showing Rarity her drawing. "Okay? Uh.. Twilight? What did you draw?" Ah asked. "Oh, I drew my little brother Spike, I'm going to give it to him when I get home... I'm not never good at drawing" Twilight laughed and showed it to me. "Better than most, ya know?" Ah said looking over at Rainbow Dash who was throwing paper balls at people. Then turning around like she did nothing. Ah swear, Ah wish Ah knew more about this gal.

Rainbow Dash POV

I heard Twilight and Applejack talking as Pinkie Pie kept screaming how she drew a picture of Fluttershy. Were I was throwing paper balls at random people in class. I saw the teacher staring at me every time I put my feet on the desk shaking her head no. That meant, 'I'm going to give you a week of detention if you don't take your feet off the desk' she always looked away after a minute and kept reading a porn book. I swear, most girls in this school. They are unbelievable. I went into my bag and grabbed a pack of gum. "Hey, apples" I poked her shoulder and she looked at me "want a piece?" I put a piece of gum in my mouth and shook the pack in my hand. " Sure, can't hurt" she said putting her hand out. I put a piece in her hand and she unwrapped it and threw the paper at somebody and put the gum in her mouth. "Haha! Nice one apples" I said punching her shoulder. She chuckled and looked back over to Twilight and kept talking with all my friends. Ya know? Bonding and shit? I didn't bother talking, I decided to bug the utter shit out of everybody. This class lasts two hours everyday.

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