Chapter Eighteen - Caught In A Lie

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JK- Nothing to say, huh? I'm done here. We are taking a break. I love you and I want to be able to be with you, so I don't want to us break up... But I need some time. And I think you do too.

Y/N- Fine... But I don't know how long I'll be able to stand being away from you...

JK- And still you're the one who tried pushing me away...

Y/N- I needed to know the truth... But when I think about it, I know what I've felt... I love you and I've felt that you love me too... So I don't think you would do that... But if a break is what you want then we can take a break...

JK- Thank you.

He stepped closer to me and took my hands. Then he leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

JK- *Whispers* I want to be with you... I just need some time to think, okay?

Y/N- Okay...

We sat down again and finished our breakfast in silence. Then he decided to leave. I followed him to the door.

Y/N- Do you have to go already...?

JK- Yeah, I think so... I think I should.

Y/N- Can I... Can I kiss you before you go? It might be the last time in a while, you know?

JK- Of course.

He stepped closer and I put my arms around his neck. I pulled him closer to me and pressed my lips against his. I felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I knew it was going to be hard to be away from him and it was all my fault... If I had just thought it through then maybe he would be staying? I broke the kiss and spoke softly.

Y/N- *Crying* I'm going to miss you... I'm going to miss us...

He teared up and he couldn't hold it in anymore. I saw how a tear made it's way down his cheek.

JK- *Crying quietly* Me too, but I need some time... We can make it through this, I promise.

Y/N- Okay...

He leaned in for another kiss. We kissed for about five seconds and then he let go of me and walked out the door. As soon as the door closed, I ran straight up to the bedroom and threw myself on the bed. I buried my face in a pillow and started crying harder. His scent was still stuck on the sheets. I started screaming into the pillow.

Y/N- *Screaming* This is all my fault! What have I done!?

I cried for a long time, then I calmed down enough to call Jisoo. I needed to know if Jimin had lied.

*Phone Call*

JS- Hello?

Y/N- Hello Jisoo, this is Y/N.

JS- Oh hello Y/N. How are you?

Y/N- Right now I'm not feeling that great, I'm a little down... But I needed to ask you something.

JS- Go ahead.

Y/N- Have you been out at all today?

JS- No, I haven't, I woke up and had breakfast right away. I finished eating just a few minutes ago. What about it?

Y/N- I just needed to know if you had seen someone. But if you haven't been out, there is no chance that you have. Thanks anyway.

JS- Of course. You can call me if you need anything. I know that we don't know each other that well, but I would love to get to know you better. And I'm here if you need someone to talk to or anything like that.

Y/N- Thanks. I would like to get to know you better too and you can always call me if you need something. I have to go now, but I'll see you at work tomorrow, right?

JS- Thank you. Yeah I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good day, and I hope you cheer up soon.

Y/N- Thanks. Bye Jisoo.

JS- Bye Y/N.

*End Of Phone Call*

We hung up and I immediately called Jimin.

*Phone Call*

JM- Y/N? How are you feeling?

Y/N- You lied to me! How could you!? I thought you were my friend!

JM- What do you mean?

Y/N- Jungkook never cheated on me! He would never.

JM- Are you sure you're not just saying that because you love him?

Y/N- Yes. There was a pretty important detail you had missed in this little plan.

JM- What plan? I don't know what you're talking about.

Y/N- Stop pretending. I know Jungkook loves me and I even talked to Jisoo. She told me that she hasn't even stepped outside the door yet today.

JM- Y/N, I can explain-

Y/N- Save it! I don't wanna hear it. I think I understand. But even if I would be wrong, it wouldn't matter. You lied.

JM- I'm sorry... I promise I can explain-

Y/N- No! I don't care about your stupid excuses! This friendship is not going to work anymore. You can only talk to me if it's about work from now on.

JM- Y/N, please! I want to be around you.

Y/N- Well, too bad. You made a huge mistake and I'm done. Bye Jimin.

JM- Y/N wait ple-

*End Of Phone Call*

I hung up before he could even finish his sentence. 'He actually confessed... He admitted that he had lied to me.'

*Magical Time Skip To That Night*

'I'm so tired. I should just make dinner and then go to sleep.' And so I did. I went to the kitchen and made myself some dinner. Then I went to the bedroom to go to sleep. I laid there for a while. I realized soon that I couldn't sleep when the bed smelled like him if he wasn't there. It worked when I knew that he would pick me up the next morning but I had a feeling that I would have to start walking to work again. It's not that I don't like taking walks, but I knew I was going to miss him. He wouldn't be picking me up in a while... I went up and changed the sheets, then I laid back down. I sent him a text before going to sleep.

*Text Conversation*

Y/N- Goodnight, sweet dreams. I miss you...

JK- Goodnight, I miss you too...

Y/N- You aren't picking me up for work tomorrow, are you?

JK- No, sorry...

Y/N- It's okay. I understand.

JK- Thanks. Goodnight.

Y/N- Goodnight...

*End Of Text Conversation*

When the conversation ended, I went to sleep. It took me some time to fall asleep and I woke up several times that night. It was painful to know that I wouldn't be spending time with him for awhile... But I had to accept it and just wait.

-End Of Chapter Eighteen-

Thank you so much for reading! Stay tuned for more❤️❤️

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