Chapter one: The River's Edge

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  Our story begins on July 4th, Jason Blossom and his sister, Cheryl, went to Sweetwater river. They were having such a great time.

  A few hours later, Cheryl was found staying on a rock, with her hair wet. She said "Jason...". Then, sheriff Keller and his patrol started to look for Jason's body. Cheryl said that her glove has fallen in the water, and Jason leaned over it. And he felt into the water.

  On the same day, Archie Andrews and Betty Cooper went to the restaurant Pop's to grab a milkshake. Then, there appeared Veronica Lodge, a girl who just moved to Riverdale. They started talking.
  Next day, they went to the high school.  Veronica considered Betty her best friend. They went to the cheerleaders preselection, led by Cheryl. Cheryl said that Veronica is accepted, but Betty not. Ronnie was revolted and said to Cheryl she is not a perfect person and she can not rule the entire high school. Then, Cheryl said Betty is accepted too.
  Polly, Betty's sister, dated Jason. They broken up and Polly was send to a hospital for mental illness because she made suicidal acts.
                            MY OPPINION
In my oppinion, Jason hurt Polly, when they were dating. But, we'll see :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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