The Teasing Game

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She looked over to me and then looked at my hand that was resting on the wheel.

"I couldn't help but notice your not wearing a ring. Could it be possible that your not married?"

I looked over, "I'm not. I'm actually not seeing anyone at the moment."

"I find that surprising. You're a beautiful woman Dana. You must have all the guys on you."

I laughed. "Not really, but thank you. And actually I'm not even into guys. I'm a lesbian."

"Really?" She looked to me again with a faint smile on her face.

"Yup." I nodded slowly. This usually wasn't something I just told people, but I felt I could trust Stella.

"No kidding, I'm bisexual. It's not often that you meet another member of the community at work."

"Tell me about it." I smiled too, knowing there always at least a bit of hope.

We arrived at her house after a few minutes of chatting. I parked out front and looked to her, " I'll be waiting right here. Bring a couple of changes, I'm not exactly sure how long we'll be there."

She nodded while getting out, "Do you want to come up? I don't know how long I'll take and I'd hate to have you sit in the car and wait."

"Oh, thank you." I smiled and got out. I locked the car and we headed into her house. It was small, but I liked it. I looked around a bit, noticing the type of decorations she used and how there were next to no pictures.

"You can sit on the couch if you'd like, or if you want you can come with me into the bed room."

I looked up from the carpet and looked to her with my eyebrow slightly raised, "I'm sorry?"

She chuckled a bit, "So I can get my clothes."

"Oh, right." I laughed a bit and shook my head feeling my face grow hot.

She walked over and whispered, "Where not there.. yet" as she walked by.

Part of me was saying 'Hell.No. I work with her. I can't.' But another part of me was taking everything in my body to not make a move. Stella was hot, nice from what I knew, and funny. And it's a little obvious she has some sort of attraction for me, otherwise she would be playing this game with me.

I took a breath, shook my head and followed her into her room. I looked around, again noticing the decor. Eventually I stopped being snoopy and looked back to Stella who was grabbing a suitcase and putting some clothes into it. Seeing that her back was to me, I started checking her out a bit. Stupid me, didn't realize she turned around.

She looked to me and smirked a bit.  She walked over to her dresser and bent over to open one of the bottom ones. I immediately knew she didn't need something from there when she turned to look at me. I knew then she was just trying to give me a better look.

"I-I can't do this. This is inappropriate. We just started working together today. I'll be in the car." I sighed and walked out and back to the car. I got in and leaned back.  I pulled out my phone and called Mulder.

"Miss me already Scully?"

I smiled a bit. "Mulder I need your help. It's Stella."

"Ah, my replacement.. What's up?"

"Mulder I think I'm falling for her. She bisexual and she keeps playing this game with me."

"What game?"

"It's like she's teasing me or something. She purposely bent over  in her tight pencil skirt because she saw I was checking her out a bit."

"Did you like it?"

"Mulder, you're not helping. We work together!"

"Alright Scully, Calm down. If you do like her, tell her."

"But, we just met and I'll seem desperate or something."

"So wait a day or two. Just do what you feel is right."

I nodded, it's not like he could see that, but I did nod, "Shit Mulder she's coming back. I got to go. Talk later. Bye!"

"Wait Scu-" I hung up. Whoops.

Stella put her stuff in the back seat and got in the car. I started driving again.

"I'm sorry Dana, that was a bit immature of me."

"It's fine, I just think we should keep it professional."

She nodded and looked outside the window. I drove to my house and parked, "It'd be rude to not invite you in, so, do you want to come in?"

I shut off the car and got out. Stella smiled and also got out. We headed upstairs to my apartment and walked in. I went to the bedroom and got my cloths ready. My house was no where near as interesting as Stella's considering I wasn't going to try and tease her and Stella was being more appropriate after I kind of walked out on her.

Once I finished I locked up and headed down to the car again. After getting in I started driving when Stella started up a conversation. We talked the whole drive which was over and hour and even longer while waiting for our flight. It did get deep and personal and I definitely felt something between us and I hoped she felt the same.

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