A What?

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First of all, I just want to say that this was originally a comic of mine on Webtoon called Between Two Worlds. I decided to make a Lil different prospective out of this for you guys and... -
Anyways, enjoy :)

Between Two Worlds
Her Prospective

Episode 1
A What?


It's dark, cold and quiet. Until the sound of an open door creaking...


" Hey Sister, wake up... Sis it's me, Dave. ", Says her little brother-, that locked her there.

" Sister, I brought you some food for you. It's delicious y'know~ ", He says. Then he throws the food that he gave her onto the floor.

He gave her another disgusting human souls as always. She fells very disgusted at him. She refused to eat something like that and instead she spited at his shoe.

" Ugh, seriously now? Why do you have to do this ALL THE TIME!!! ", He shouted and kicked directly to her face. She was throwend off to the side and bumped her head to the walls.


" Oh, I am sorry, did it hurt? ", He smirks slyly to her face.

" Whatever. You'll heal anyways. I'll be going now... "

He opens the door slowly then he slams the door and leaves... Everyday, this always happens. The day repeats over and over...

'I'm tired.'

'I'm sick of this treatment.'

'I can't sit still and wait for someone to get me.'

'This is the worst. Why am i here?'

'Who am i?'

'Who Are you?'

'Why are you here?'



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" A Youkai? ", The red haired guy questioned.

Suddenly another guy shouted at the hallway of the basement.


'It sounds like they're in trouble. How did they even get inside here? It's impossible.'

" Yeah!! I'll be there just in a sec. I just gotta... Free this one first. ", The red haired guy answered.

The red haired guy let's out a knife. She thought that it was a threat, so she started growling at him and backs away from him.

" It's allright. I'm not trying to hurt you. I'm just gonna- free you... ", says the red haired guy.

Then suddenly he cuts her chains into pieces using the knife and freed her from those horrible chains.

" see? " Praise the red haired guy.

'He seems... Trust worthy...'

" I can break these chains using my knife because it has spirits' magics here. Can you talk? ", Asks the red haired guy.

She answered him with a complete silence.

" not much of a talker- eh? ", he says.

He then looked that there's some bruises at her cheeks and began to come closer. As that happens, another guy came in.

" Austin you Flippin traitor, we need to get the heck out of here! And is that a youkai? What in the world is a youkai doing in a... Youkai's prison. ", He chatters.

And the red haired guy answered, " Who knows, why do you asked me? ", while he says that, he stands up and ready to fight.

" Oooooooooff, he got bruises everywhere. Are you alright? Oh, who am i saying. He's a youkai, he'll heal. "

" Did- you just assume her gender? ", the red haired guy questioned.

" wait it's a her? "

"  well- yeah. "

" How do you- How do you know? "

" Do you really wanna know? "

" Nnnnno??? "

" Well, I don't care what youre gonna say. Because from now on- she's gonna be my pet. "

" Your what? "... ' A what '

Eps 1 End
(Me) : Wow... Way to start of the episode, Austin....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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