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"Okay, so I usually sit with Harry and Ron on the train but since they aren't here we can try to find Luna and Ginny and just sit with them" Hermione says to Odyssey.

Odyssey nods her head and looks around the platform watching the people walk by. Hermione keeps rambling about where they'll sit, who they'll sit with, what they do while sitting. There was never a point in her life that Odyssey considered so many obstacles and facts for just sitting.

"Hermione!" a young woman with bright red hair comes over and gives Odyssey's identical twin a hug. Odyssey is standing slightly behind her so as to avoid too much attention.

After hugging her back, Hermione turns and gestures to Odyssey saying, "Ginny, this is Odyssey! Remember me telling you about her?" 

The red head - or Ginny as Odyssey now knows - looks at Odyssey with slight surprise and then smiles giving her a hug. "Yes! Of course! How could I not forget? It's not every day your best friend finds out she has an identical twin!"

Odyssey awkwardly pats the girl's back. She's not really used to interacting with people so the red head and her entourage of other various red heads are a bit over whelming. They all greet the Granger twins with loud voices and big hugs.

A woman comes up and hugs Odyssey, introducing herself as Molly Weasley. When the woman lets her go, Hermione takes her turn with a hug and Odyssey looks around the station some more. About ten feet away from them is the barrier and through it enters a young man that is roughly six feet tall with sharp blonde hair and skin pale as the sky.  Odyssey can't help but watch him. Everything about him just commands attention. His head turns in her direction while scanning the room and when their eyes lock his eye brow raises.

"Odyssey, we should probably get-what are you looking at?" Ginny says while putting her hand on Odyssey's shoulder. 

Odyssey stiffens and turns around facing the group. "Nothing" she says heading to the train.

- - -

The train has been going for two hours now and Odyssey hasn't said a word. Ginny made a few comments about how Hermione must talk enough for the both of them to which earned an awkward laugh from Hermione but no comment from Odyssey. She just sat there looking out the window. They begin talking about classes so Odyssey stands up and heads out the compartment.

"Would you like something from the trolley dear?" says an elderly woman pushing a cart of sweats.

"No thank you, I don't eat sweets" Odyssey says and is about to continue on her way when a voice stops her.

"There's a shocker. I always knew you were boring Granger but I never thought you didn't eat sweets! Of course I don't eat them much anymore either. When I was a kid though, well, I ate a few too many Pumpkin Pasties" he pauses for a second and Odyssey tilts her head slightly to hear him better, so he continues, "Hermione Granger not eating sweets. The next headline on the Daily Prophet - careful you may loose some fans!" Odyssey knew her sister was famous and that she was no where near that, so somebody assuming that she was her was an unavoidable predicament.

Before she turned around, Odyssey decided to have a little fun with this. She takes out two sickles and with a smirk she turned to the kind old lady. "A pumpkin pastie for my friend please" The lady takes them and hands her the pastie.

When she turns to the dark young man, she goes to hand it to him but stops. Eye brow raised as he goes to grab it, she pulls it back last second and takes a bite out of it. He looks at her surprised and she put it in his frozen, outstretched hand.

"The name's Odyssey darling. Hermione's my sister" she then turns and walks away with a smirk.

Behind her she hears the young man ask, "There are two Grangers?"

Odyssey rolls her eyes and keeps on walking. It doesn't take long for her to reach the back of the train. To her right is some students talking and to her left is what appears to be an empty compartment. She goes in to the compartment and sees the young man from the train station laying on the seat asleep.

Not wishing for any interaction, Odyssey turns to leave but is stopped by his voice. "Don't like my compartment Granger?"

She turns around slowly and looks at him. He is sitting up and as he does so he stares at her waiting for a response. "Well, you're in here" Odyssey says in a matter-of-fact tone.

When the young woman said it, she meant it as she wanted the compartment to herself but he must have took it as something else because he scowls at her. "Ouch. That was harsh Granger! I haven't even done anything yet!"

Odyssey thinks for a second and says, "You were going to do something?" her eye brow raises as she makes a curious and mocking expression.

He shrugs and stands up towering over her saying, "Maybe. Should I?"

With a smile, Odyssey brushes some crumbs off of his should and looks him in the eye, "Only if you must". She knows she shouldn't be flirting but this man intrigues her. Besides, he seems to be flirting back - or at least seems to be.

"You're different Granger" he says startling her slightly.

She falters a little but then smiles and looks at him and says, "No, you're just thinking of another person"

"I've changed too" he steps closer to her and she has to catch her breath as his cologne engulfs her.

She takes a step back, "Draco...we can't" her eyes are downcast and she avoids his gaze.

His hand reaches up to her chin and makes her look at him. "Why not?"

Odyssey sighs, "You know why" and steps back walking out of the compartment. Not before saying quietly, "We're not kids anymore"

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