Chapter One

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Hi, I've already explained myself in this description, but I want to explain further, I already said this but my full name is Isabelle Anna May Aniston, I'm 15 years old and as you probably guessed I live with my mother, Jen, in Hollywood. My father, Brad Pitt however left us when I was five, I don't really remember much about him because I haven't seen him in so long, he got married again after cheating on mom with Angelina Jolie. My mom may be famous but that changes nothing, she's always been there for me and she supports me and stands by every decision I decide to make, she is the best mother anyone could ask for and I really am blessed to have her as my mother. She can read me like a book, she knows if somethings bothering me, and when it is, she'll always know how to cheer me up.

But anyway, here's what my life's really like.

Belle's POV - 

           I'm going to the mall with my mom today, I'm so excited because we haven't been able to spend much time together lately, she's been shooting for this new movie. I don't know what it's called yet but I think it comes out next year, it's currently 11am and I woke up a few minutes ago, I have to get ready to go because we're leaving at 12, I have no idea what I want to wear. I have to look cool though because Mom dresses in so many fashionable brands and always knows how to dress, I usually throw anything that's comfortable on if I'm honest. I'll let her decide what I should wear.

"Mom!" I shout from my bedroom but she doesn't answer me.

"Mommy!" I shout, louder this time in hope she'll hear me, but she doesn't so I'm gonna call her on her phone.


Jen: Honey? What's the matter?

Isabelle: I called you like five times, can you please come upstairs, I have to ask something

Jen: Okay, I'll be right there

*call ends*

That always works, I know why she didn't answer when I called her, I'm on the top floor of the house which is pretty far away from the ground floor.

My bedroom door opens and in comes my mom, finally.

"What did you need to ask me sweetie?" Mom asks.

"You're going to think I'm stupid when I ask you." I reply, she always laughs when I ask this question.

"Belle, I never think you're stupid, so just shoot the question" Mom says in her kind voice

"Okay, well I want to look nice today but I don't know what to wear because you know I'm bad at choosing something to wear, so can you help me choose something?" I ask

"Oh honey, of course I can. You know how much I like helping you with your outfit choices" She says, giving me a warm smile.

Me and Mom go into my wardrobe and she chooses out a cute outfit for me, it's funny because my clothes are still really small and I look about eleven years old. Mom isn't tall which means I probably won't be either because I've inherited most of her genes. I have long brown hair and bright blue eyes, my mothers are obviously better but still. I'm only 5"2 and I'm 15 hehe. 

I change into my outfit and pull my hair into a braid which goes down my shoulder

(Belle's outfit)

(Belle's outfit)

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So, now that I'm ready I have to go downstairs and have my daily cup of coffee because I can't live without it. Mom is on her phone, she doesn't have social media so she's probably looking at the news or something, I think I'm going to tweet something on twitter.


  I had about three replies so I answered them, my mom's fans are so sweet and they're always so kind to me, but anyway. I think we're leaving but I have to ask mom.

"Are we leaving yet Mom?" I ask, sitting next to her on the sofa.

"Yeah, hold on while I message a guard. Belle, I was thinking, do you want to go for lunch somewhere and then come home and watch movies?" Mom asks smiling at me.

"Yes, yes, yes!" I reply and shuffle over so I can give her a hug, she smiles and hugs me back.

Jennifer Aniston gives the best hugs, and I have the honor of getting them whenever I want to, I love having her as my mom, it's amazing.

*skip the meal because we all know how to eat ;))*

When we arrive home, I run to the sofa and Mom sits next to me and I adjust myself so my head is on her chest, she puts her arm around me and I smile.

"What do you want to watch honey?" She says in almost a whisper, letting me choose.

"Can we watch one of your movies pleaseee?" I beg, because she doesn't like herself on TV

"Do we have to? We could watch friends if you really want?" She asks, and I just nod.

I know how much she dislikes watching it but I love it so much, not only because my mom's in it but because I love it, it's so funny.

Half way through the seventh episode of season one, I start to get sleepy and I begin falling asleep in my mom's arms, by now it's 9pm, already and I'm really tired. Two minutes later and I'm already sleeping.

A/N - 

Hello! Sorry if this chapter was kind of all over the place, the idea of this story thing literally came to me today so I didn't really know how to start it off, oops. Anyway, I hope you liked it. I'm pretty bad at writing so sorry if it's bad, but yeah, enjoy and I'll try and update as much as I can.

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