Lesbians growing old together

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"Lesbians growing old together"

Based on a "true story"

By Olivia Romero and Hailey Smith

There once was a gay fat girl called Olivia who met a skinny gay girl named Hailey, they fell in love. This is their story. It all began in the ratchet ghetto school of Parkton. They met in the 3rd grade and knew that they were gay so they became best friends. They were known as the "GAY CRUSADERS" and many straight kids were jelly of their unwavering friendship.

Started out as friends, something inside them grew. Feelings showed in the 4th grade with a play called "The King in the Kitchen". Olivia was the king, she always loved the boy rolls and loved to make people laugh, especially Hailey. But being the clumsy Olivia that she is, she fell durning the last scene only to be awarded with laughter. Hailey ran to her assistance helping her up an to a chair. Lets move over to the sleepovers, shall we?

Every year Hailey would host a sleep over that only popular girls would go to. Olivia was always the first person Hailey invited because Hailey's lust for her burned with a passion. They all had fun until they had to depart in the morning. But... There was another... The goddess Caitlyn. The other member in this gay ass threesome. Caitlyn was jealous of Olivia, she wanted Hailey all to herself. Olivia understood why Caitlyn wanted that ass but she would not let Hailey go! So Hailey had to choose, between her first love and her friend. Obviously she had chosen Olivia because her lust lingered all these years.

Their love was growing. More and more each day. The two had then went to the sixth grade and they took their love to the next level... They held hands. They held hands more and more often. To the point it was automatic. They never left each others side no matter what. They were partners in crime but with love involved.

Then the faithful day that Olivia and Hailey went to the 6th grade they met Grandpa Spallino and Aunt Creed. As their love progressed. The teachers knew as tried splitting them up... They were unsuccessful. Those bitches didn't have shit on them.

So they both passed Middle School and went to High School where they were separated. They were heart broken.

(To Be Continued... <3)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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