Sickeningly Awful

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"Pay,Pay?" Tim nudged him "ugh what?" " time to wake up" Tim said in a smile "heh thanks tim"Pay said happily "No problem pay" *It's so rare for pay to be happy with me And not drunk happy he gonna have to leave soon but I really don't want him to leave* Pay went to the bathroom And change to the clothes he had yesterday "Tim? Hello?" " huh Oh sorry pay I zoned out so what don't you have to do today? " Pay was a tad bit shocked "I got to tell patryk that I'm sorry for leaving and Drink some liquor at a park but nothing much today-" Tim Laid on him "No don't leave me!" " Jesus H Christ I won't"
💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤flash back❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

"Don't leave pay!" patryk I said in fear "why should I?! NO ONE CARES!" Pay slams the door And leaves the house pay cries as he walks toward a bus stop
💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤End of flashback❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 "Sharpay!" Tim Said in fear pay hugged him close " I'm sorry for Sc-Scaring you Tim! " Tim noticed Pay's fear "I'm guessing it's a flash back." "Yeah I'm sorry Tim.." He got his shoes on and bags "I'll see you soon tim" He walks to Patryk's house And finds all his clothes and stuff on his Side wall " Damn It! No! " He shouted "Leave your key by the door!" Paul shouted pay throw his key by the door and shoved all his clothes and little stuff in his bag and left he was crying he check his front pocket on his backpack for liquor he had 50 dollars so he went to the store and got a small bottle of Raspberry Smirnoff and Two pacifiers One Blue with stars And the Another Lavender colored (Like his hoodie) He paid and left And walk to Tim's apartment and Knocked "Hi pa-...What's wrong?" " Patryk kick me you mind if I stay with you? "Pay said pleading to stay "Yeah...It gets lonely here" "Thank you Tim!" He enters the house Tim"Hey! I gotta ask you something!😥" pay"huh?" Tim "Do you want to buy a playpen?" Pay "yes?" Tim "Okay let's go!" He started to walk But Tim stop him Tim "And where are u going?" Pay "I was going to walk..why? ...Ohhh.." He went to the bathroom and change out of this clothes and change into his lavender hoodie and a Diaper with the Flowers on it and his put in his mouth his lavender pacifier and unlock the bathroom door to signal Tim "We meet again baby boy~🌼" he pick him up bridal style and walk to his car he also buckle him in the the backseat and Tim got in the front as usual and drove to Wal-Mart he gave pay some toys and left for a bit "Okay quickly now tim.." He said that to himself Quietly he seen a Black one for 60$ "Hmm not bad" He paid for it and unlock the trunk And got it inside He seen his Baby boy sleeping in the car "Aww~💞💕💕💞" he got inside and Started the car to head home And he tried to go slow on the speed bumps And they got home safely "Pay,..Pay?" He started to cry "shh it's okay" Tim said calming him he unbuckle him and got the box for the playpen "Pay Please be a big boy and carry this" he got out the car and Wobble to the box and pick it up "I's did it!" Then he and pay walk upstairs and Got the playpen out together "Hmm where to put it? How about in my room?" Pay Nodded so Tim dragged into his room and set it up in his Playpen "Ahh there!" Tim Said happily then pay started cry he jogged to him Quickly "Hey what's wrong dear?" He make grabby hands at Tim  "Oh you just missed me loving you!" He pick him up a snuggled him up and Set him down into his Playpen to make a bottle then set down for a nap "Here you go pay." He hands the bottle to him to drink And he got the hang of it after a awhile Then fell asleep

Hush boyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ