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A/N As stated in the summary, this is inspired by ridzakun on Tumblr. They did the amazing fanart that I used as the cover for this fic, and they have a lot more, so check them out! This was supposed to be done like 2 days ago, but I wanted it to be worthy of ridzakun's fantastic idea and artwork. I'm pretty sure it's still not, but this is as good as I can get it right now. I hope you enjoy!!!

"You know, if you wanted to learn how to be better at volleyball, you could have just asked me, Takeru." Oikawa poked his nephew in the arm. "I am one of the best volleyball players, like, ever."

Takeru rolled his eyes. "You didn't volunteer as a volleyball tutor with my school."

"Yeah, but you could have just asked me instead of getting a tutor."

"I already told you, I didn't choose to have a tutor. He was assigned. It's a mentorship program. It's not my problem you didn't volunteer."

"But you didn't even tell me about the program! How was I supposed to know to volunteer?" Oikawa whined.

"Don't be a baby, Uncle Tooru." They were almost to the gym. "Besides, Sugawara-san knew about the program."

Oikawa stuck his tongue out at Takeru.

Takeru did it right back.

Not long after that they made it to the gym at Takeru's school. Despite his griping about not choosing to have a tutor for volleyball, Oikawa could tell the kid was excited about it. He clearly liked this 'Sugawara-san'. Takeru was almost vibrating with excitement when they got to the doors of the gym, which were open to allow airflow.

"SUGAWARA-SAN!" Takeru shouted, grabbing Oikawa's arm and using it for balance while jumping up and down in excitement. This, unfortunately, knocked Oikawa off balance, making him stumble a little. When he looked up, he finally saw Takeru's volleyball tutor.

Holy shit. Oikawa was so screwed.

Sugawara-san looked over when he heard Takeru's voice, which was when he noticed Oikawa. Oikawa felt his cheeks redden, knowing his first impression on this very attractive volleyball tutor was him stumbling at the tug of a middle schooler. They made brief eye-contact, before Sugawara-san looked back over at Takeru. "Ah, Takeru. You're just on time!"

Oh my God, his voice.

Oikawa was definitely screwed.


Oikawa picked up Takeru right on time. They were just finishing up a round of serves, which was apparently one of the areas where Takeru struggled. Takeru was poking Sugawara, apparently trying to goad him into doing something. "Come on, Suga-san! I want to see it again!"

"See what again?" Oikawa asked, making his presence known. Sugawara looked over at him with a borderline-plea in his eyes.

"Suga-san's jump serve! He showed me earlier. It was sooo awesome!" Takeru was jumping up and down, turning back toward Sugawara to shoot him with puppy dog eyes. Those were hard to resist, Oikawa knew, because Oikawa was the one who taught it to him.

Oikawa raised an eyebrow. "Well, well, a jump serve?" Sugawara warily looked up at him from Takeru's puppy dog eyes. "Let's see it then." Sugawara glared at him, but Oikawa only smiled.

Sugawara sighed, his shoulders sagging in resignation. Takeru cheered as Sugawara grabbed a ball from the basket. "It's not actually that great," Sugawara prefaced, already planning to disappoint.

"Are you kidding, Suga-san? You're awesome!"

Sugawara shook his head. "By high school standards, my serves are pretty average, kiddo."

Tutor - OiSuga Weekend Day 2 - Different First Meeting AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon