Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My team and I walk out of the house. Chris tells us that his house is on the border of district two and district one. It is a very long walk from Hazel's house. She lives on the border of district two and district 3.

After what seems like hours we reach Chris's house and it is huge. It is about the size of my house back in district twelve. We enter the house and there is no one in sight. Then out of nowhere I hear," Ughhhhhh leave me alone you evil woman!" I knew that voice, that was Janey's voice.

Chris led us to the entrance to the underground bunker, but like he said it was blocked. He knows a back way in that only he knows about. We walk and he opens the steel doors and we carefully step inside. Chris closes the bunker doors and we continue walking.

Janey's screams are getting closer and closer. Then we hear Jordan yell," GET OFF ME!" We rush toward the sound of the scream and we see Janey tied to a chair with jumper cables attached to her wrists and ankles.

We then see jordan on the ground with her arms pinned behind her back by Grayson. I toss Grayson my handcuffs and he cuffs her. He pulls her up to her feet and leads her out of the bunker.

I go and untie Janey and she can barely stand. Peeta goes over and picks her up and carries her out of the bunker. The rest of us walk behind them. We exit the bunker and were back on the train.

Grayson has Jordan cuffed to the pole. Grayson still has his arm around her though. Rae is attending to Janey's wounds. I am standing there and then I feel dizzy. Grayson yells," PEETA!" Peeta comes in and sees my eyes starting to glaze over and then I black out.

I wake up and I'm laying on my bed while Peeta has an icepack on my forehead. He looks at me and says," When we get back to district 12, we are going to see the doctor for your fainting problems."

I get up and I see Grayson and Jordan talking. I decide to walk away but Grayson sees me at the last second. " Can you come here", he asks. I walk over to where there sitting and Jordan gives me a dirty look. Grayson puts his hand on her shoulder and pushes down on her pressure point.

"hey, I'm sorry I was just mad and I apologize for what I did. Can you please let me back in the team", Jordan asks. " Yes, but Grayson is going to be beside you every second making sure you dont do anything stupid."

I go back to my room and I get under the covers and then out of nowhere Peeta pokes his head up." Peeta, you just scared the crap out of me", I say.

"Sorry". I kiss him on the lips and he returns the favor by kissing me. We fall asleep in each others arms.

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