Expect the Unexpexted

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Years later Felix,Egdar, and Ermanno are very happy together. Well everyone but  Marzia. Marzia sat in her room all day. Felix made videos and played with Edgar, well not really played. Marzia was drawing pictures of when she and Felix meet. Then Marzia had a strange feeling in her stomach. Marzia coughed and the pain got worse. Then Marzia ran to the bathroom and threw up. Felix ran in. " Marzia! Are you ok?!" Felix yelled. Marzia coughed. " Y y yeah I'm fine." Marzia stuttered. Felix lifted Marzia up by the hand while the pugs ran in. " Maybe you need rest." Felix said. " Yeah its been a little crazy lately. I'll get some sleep." Said Marzia.

At midnight everyone in the house was sleeping. Marzia woke up at 12 am with bad cramps. Marzia went to the kitchen to drink some milk. On her way down the stairs Marzia's pain got worse. Marzia had to stop at the bathroom before she made it to the kitchen. Marzia vomited again and slowly walked to the kitchen. " I'm going to see whats wrong with me tommarow at the doctors.": Marzia said getting a glass of milk. " Hopefully I'm fine." Marzia said walking back to bed.

The next day Marzia was about to leave. She kissed Felix and said " Don't worry Felix I will be fine." " I hope so." Felix said hugging her. Marzia waved and went out the door. Marzia was in the waiting room when she had bad cramps again. " Hopefully I don't puke again." she whispered. " Marzia  Kjellberg." the doctor said. Marzia got up and walked to the door. " Follow me ms. Marzia." the doctor said. " Ummm I'm a Mrs." Marzia replied. " I'm so sorry ma'am right this way." he said. Marzia rolled her eyes and followed him.

" What seems to be the problem Mrs. Kjellberg?" the doctor said. " Well.....I've been having really bad cramps and threw up two times yesterday." Marzia replied. " Interesting. Is this your side effects after you had sex?" The doctor asked. " What?! I never had sex!" Marzia said " You are experiencing signs of pregnancy ma'am." The doctor said slowly. Marzia stopped a minute and laughed. " Your joking right? RIGHT?!" Marzia said. " No ma'am." he said. Marzia took deep breaths and put her head on her hands. Marzia, you are pregnant echoed in her head. Marzia sniffed. " Well thanks for the help doc." Marzia said grabbing her coat and walked out. " Just doing my job ma'am."

Marzia came home and put her coat on the coat rack, she slipped off her shoes and walked up to Felix. " Marzia! thank god your ok!" Said Felix hugging her. Marzia began to cry. " I I'm not fine." Marzia said crying. " What do you mean?" Felix said looking in her eyes. " Felix. I'm I'm pregnant!" Felix stopped and opened his mouth to say something then quickly close it. " Are you mad?" Marzia cried. " Not at all Marzia." He said hugging her. " But I don't exactly remember us you know....doing it." Felix replied. " Me either" Said Marzia whipping her tears away. " I'm so worried!" Marzia said hugging Felix. " Marzia don't worry we will get through this together." Felix replied.

Later that afternoon

Marzia and Felix were sitting on the couch. " Felix." Marzia said. " yes Marzia?" Felix asked. " Do you think I should get an abortion or keep the baby?" Marzia asked. " Well Marzia...your going to be the mother so what do YOU want?" Felix asked. " I want to keep the baby but my father says to get the abortion..." Marzia said looking away. " Why would your father say that?" Felix asked. " My father never really.....approved of us..." Marzia said started to cry. " What do you mean?" Felix asked. " At our wedding. He was the one who didn't clap. Before we meet he tried to stop you from coming trying to call his friend who works at the airport you went to to cancel your flight!" Marzia said crying. Felix stopped. " I can't believe your dad dosn't approve of us." Felix said.

In the morning 

Marzia thought alot. " Pewds?" She called. Felix walked into where Marzia was.. " Yes Marzia?" Felix asked. " Do you think will manage with two pugs and a baby?" Marzia asked. " Of course! We may need to make some changes like sell Edgar." Felix said sarcastically. " No not poor little Edgar!" Marzia said smiling. " Marzia will manage I just know it! When the future comes and it happens we will be ready for it!" Felix said proudly. Marzia laughed and started cooking lunch and feeding the pugs. Felix went up to their room. Felix sighed. " How will I ever tell Marzia?" He whispered.

Felix opened the cabinet to find a photo when they were at Anthony and Kalel's party. Felix sighed. During the party Anthony and Felix gave the girls their favorite drinks with " Something special" added to it. That made them both woozy and drowsy. Felix and Anthony thought they would get lucky, and they did. They couldn't tell them. But its would be better than lying like they already did to them. Felix gulped. He had already lied saying he didn't know how it happened. Felix lay on the bed and sighed, It was too late to tell Marzia the truth now.

Marzia called Felix down for lunch. Felix felt it was too late to tell Marzia the truth so he didn't. Felix went down to see a special meal Marzia made him. It was a Swedish food that his mom used to make. Marzia and Felix sat down and eat. Felix started to feel light headed. " Felix are you ok?" Marzia asked. Felix passed out on the floor. Marzia laughed. " Now's my chance to figure all this out! He can't lie to me now!" Marzia said with an evil laugh.

Felix woke up chained to the bed with Marzia walking by the bed. " Well, well, well. Felix you can't hide this anymore!" Marzia said. " Hide what?!" Felix said. " I remember that party so don't even play Felix! You thought I was woozy but I wasn't! " " Then why did you do it with me?!" " I don't know! I couldn't just say something. Now look what you did! Me and Kalel already know your guys " secrets." Marzia said. " Marzia I'm sorry just don't kill me!" Felix said. Marzia looked at Felix. " Why would I do that?! Im the sweetest person you know!" Marzia said unchaining Felix. Felix was stuttering his words. Marzia laughed. " I just wanted to scare you. I love horror it was just for fun! I'm not mad at all Felix!" Marzia said.

Days later

" Marzia that was some performance!" Felix said. " Don't say that it sounds sexual Felix!" Marzia said They both laughed. " Don't think I forgot that day Felix." Marzia said smiling. Felix gulped. " Ok I'm soooo over that now that was the past." Marzia said laughing. Felix laughed scardly. " Felix are you ok?! Your acting strange." Marzia said glaring at him. " I'm fine I'm just tired. " Ok then you can go to bed Felix." Marzia said smiling. Felix went up to bed. Marzia called Kalel. " So how did that end up for you Kalel? Felix is scared of me now. Hes trembling and being so sarcastic and junk! Its really funny! I wonder how Anthony is!." Marzia said to Kalel.

A couple months later Felix relized the prank so Marzia wasn't so scary to him anymore. Marzia sat next to Felix on the couch. " Seriously Felix?!" Marzia said. " What?" Felix said. " You are afraid of everything!" Marzia said laughing. " No I'm not!" Felix replied. Marzia rolled her eyes. " You were scared and thought I was going to kill you." Said Marzia. " No I didn't think that!" Felix replied. Marzia rolled her eyes. " Of course you didn't." Marzia said. " Anyway Felix I need to go to the doctors. I need to see if its a boy or a girl. Marzia kissed Felix and was out the door.

At the hospital Marzia waited in the room. The doctor called her name. It was the same doctor as before." So mrs.Marzia...Find the cause of your pregnancy?" The doctor asked. " Yes...yes i did..." Marzia replied. " So why are you here now?" he asked. Marzia gave him a rude glare. " Obviously to figure out my baby's gender!!" Marzia replied. " oh oh ohhh sorry! Right this way." He said. " Dumba$$." Marzia mumbled. Ok Marzia just sit there and we will figure this out. OK I have calculated the results Mrs. Marzia! " What am I having?" Marzia asked. " Mrs. Marzia you are having....

Marzia paused. " Why are you being dramatic like in the movies?" Marzia asked. " What do you mean?" The doctor asked. " You paused like it was a movie or a tv show going to a commercial." Marzia replied. " My bad." The doctor said. Marzia rolled her eyes. " SO?" Marzia asked. "So what?" The doctor asked. Marzia face palmed herself. " The baby's gender! Whats the baby's gender?!" Marzia asked. Marzia sighed. " OK I'm sorry ma'am."The doctor said. " I bet you are." Marzia said sarcastically. " Anyway.... Marzia K. you are having a girl." The doctor asked. " Ok that's all I wanted to know." Marzia said. Marzia got up and went back home to Felix.

Wanna find out what happens next? Stay continued for book 2 to see the rest. :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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