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"Here we are, the psycho floor" Tony said jokingly

"Tony" you laughed while hitting him in the chest"

"Ow!" Tony said acting like he was hurt.

"Suck it up Iron Man" you mocked him while laughing.

After breakfast Tony decided to show you around the floor that you and Mr. Barnes would be living on.

"It has extra security to be on the safe side like enforced steel doors, Bulletproof windows, etc. But it also comes with two master bedrooms and baths, a living area, kitchen, gym, and even a freaking pool" Tony stated almost like he was trying to sell you the damn place.

"Wow" you marveled over the gigantic floor.
"I'll put an offer in right now! How much?" You said mockingly to Tony.

"Yeah yeah" Tony said while rolling his eyes.

"Come check out your room Hayley" tony said, leading you into your new home for the next months.

Come to think of it you don't even know how long you'd be staying there.

"Hey Tony, How long will we be staying here?" You asked

"Well until Robot Boy is stable and healthy or you could just stay, I mean did you see the pool?" Tony joked

"Okay" you laughed in response.

"He should be getting here shortly and I need to get all my tools out and ready to make a new arm for Buck" Tony stated

"Okay, have fun" you said in response

Before Bucky arrived at the H.Q. you went to your "old" room to collected some of your things.

By the time the closet and dresser was packed with clothes, Bucky arrived.

You heard a knock on the door and opened it to Steve, Bucky, and Tony.

"Buck this is Hayley, she's your Roommate and also she a therapist.

"Hi Bucky" you said

Bucky stayed silent. Didn't even move, just kept that stern look on his face.

"He's adjusting, its gonna take some time" Steve said with sympathetic smile

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"He's adjusting, its gonna take some time" Steve said with sympathetic smile.

You nodded following behind them quietly.

This is defiantly gonna be an interesting experience.

New Roommate - A Bucky Barnes Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now