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October 6, 1996

Marcus’ mom brought over a pie today. It doesn’t sound very exciting, I know, but it’s the best thing to happen today, So I decided to start here.

Okay, that sounded a little depressing. Maybe I should start over. My name is Katherine Sutton. I’m 15 years old and I have a gift for communicating with the supernatural.

Alright, that last part was a lie. I have a gift for killing the supernatural. Or rather, helping Mom kill them. I’ve never actually been on a hunt by myself. On the rare occasion Mom lets me go with her, well, let’s just say I do more research than anything.

That’ll all change in seven and a half months, however. I’ll finally be done with Sophomore year and I’ll be 16. Mom has told me since I can remember that once I turn 16, I can choose whether or not to be a full time hunter. My birthday is in April, but school doesn’t end until early June, so I’m stuck in the God forsaken place until then.

I’ve been waiting for the moment I’m finally free from that institution I've been in my entire life. I still have to get my diploma, of course, but Mom says I can homeschool myself on the road. It shouldn’t be too hard; I’m pretty smart.

Okay, that sounds a bit conceited. But it’s true. I’ve always been the top of my class, straight A’s in every subject. In fact, if I actually were to stay in school and graduate, I’d probably be valedictorian. No small feat, I’m telling you.

Anywho, I’ve been waiting to be a hunter my entire life. Hunting is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do. Sure, I’d thought about becoming a doctor or something like that, but it’s never held the same appeal as becoming a hunter.

Most people find hunting to be something they have to do, instead of something they want to. I guess I’m the exception to the rule, huh?

October 9, 1996

I forgot to share last time why I started writing this diary in the first place. Mom told me I should. Apparently it will help me “get all my thoughts together before I make my decision.” Do I tell her my decision is already made? No. So for now, I humor her.

October 14, 1996

If I could quit school today and start hunting, I would.

School is so mundane. I see Tori and Marcus, my best friends, at lunch everyday, but that is the only good thing that usually happens. But Mom insists that I get my diploma. I just don’t see how learning the quadratic formula will help me hunt ghosts and demons.

Mom is off in Illinois somewhere with John Winchester. It’s been nearly ten years since I last saw him and his sons. Although, John has helped us in a few tight spots. He hooked us up with Bobby Singer, who can find out anything about anything. Bobby helped Mom and I on a case in Alabama dealing with ghouls; he probably saved our lives.

October 26, 1996

Mom is back with a little surprise; John Winchester. Apparently his oldest son Dean is off working his own case in Ohio and his youngest, Sam, is at Bobby’s.

John is exactly how I remember him, if only with a few more gray hairs. He’s come a long way as a hunter, and I admire him for that. He had only been one for about eight years when I’d met him, which was nothing in hunter’s years. But now he was not only a better hunter, but he was much more calm about the whole affair. I guess that’s what years of hunting does to you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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