2: Bruised Up Throat

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Louis Tomlinson was somewhat of a mystery to the world, more so to Harry who was always at the receiving end of Louis' out of the blue questions, which were almost expected by this point, but Harry was still confused by the meanings of each question, maybe there wasn't a meaning behind them at all, but he still wanted to know what gears were turning in that boys head in order to even come across the idea for what he asked.

Once he asked Harry if he believed that the dinosaurs actually existed, of course Harry said yes- there was scientific evidence for it after all, but Louis just shrugged, doubting science and leaving Harry baffled as usual.

Harry knew more about Louis than anybody yet the boy was still a giant question mark to him. Floating along, striking muddiness about himself in peoples heads, trapping them in their own confusion and only letting pieces of himself slip through to Harry.

His eyes, bright blue and always in a daze, thinking but not showing much about just what he was thinking. They were one of the biggest mysteries about Louis, how eyes were the window to the soul, but Harry couldn't see anything in Louis' eyes, almost as if Louis didn't have a soul at all.

Louis never let his guard down, he shielded his eyes and his thoughts, he had to, he enjoyed being the mystery in his friends lives. The outspoken, loud and all completely inscrutable to everyone.

He always said so much without really saying anything, that's one of the first things you notice about Louis Tomlinson.

Harry was an exception to this though, he just didn't realise it. Louis' eyes gave away far too much around Harry, but he couldn't see what emotions he was giving off, because Harry was always searching for the wrong emotions.

For instance, Louis was looking at Harry like he was in love with the boy, but Harry was looking for answers to questions he didn't understand, never finding the answers simply because Louis wasn't thinking about them.

Harry could read his mind if he tried, if he really tried, if he opened his mind to other things when searching inside Louis' head, but until he figured out how to read his eyes, he would continue to turn up nothing.

School was, in Harry's mind, a complete waste of existence and time, which he had made clear most days that he had to attend- which was five out of seven days a week, which equaled to a lot of eye rolls from Louis who was sick of hearing about it.

Louis liked school, another thing Harry didn't understand about the boy. He liked learning, he enjoyed the friends he had made there, although his experience with high school was different to Harry's in the way that most teachers didn't glare at Louis every time he spoke, the way they glared at Harry for simply just entering the classroom, albeit late more often than not.

But perhaps if Harry actually did the homework he was assigned, got to school on time, actually went to detention or maybe even bathed for once, teachers might have liked him a lot more. But that was yet another thing that separated the boys, one enjoyed school, the other did not.

But Harry was Harry, and Harry was insistent on only showering when his head itched from how dirty it was, and he decided that home was not for work and if they wanted him to study they should have a class for it, which they did, Harry just messed around all that lesson.

Harry is far from stupid, opposite to what his teachers might think, he just simply doesn't care for things that aren't important in his eyes. Louis thought that maybe Harry had a few screws loose in his brain, although, if Harry didn't absolutely stink half the time, then would he really be Harry anymore?

But really, what was important to Harry was Louis, and he couldn't help but be distracted by the boy and his blue eyes, constantly attacking his mind with images of him smiling and voices in his head, laughing, Louis' laugh, Harry's favourite sound, a rare noise.

You Will Always Shine The Brightest // LarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora