Young dreams

163 1 2

June 6th 1950 ,


It was just a normal day in Memphis .

Everyone going to school ,girls playing with each others hair the boys wrestling ..normal. As I walk off the school bus I hear in the destines my friend Abby yelling. Emma ! Emma! Emma!! I jerk my head in her direction. . What?! I said . I could tell she was running because she was out of breath . As she gasp for air she said some one is about to fight your brother ! My brown eyes widen my face went pale . All I could get out was were????!! We ran as fast as or legs could carry us . I slammed the door open . I saw my brother putting his fist up then saw this other guy I never seen before. He had jet black hair and it was jelled up in a duck tail . Real tall for his age about 5'8 . His eyes were blue as the sea. Wait what am I doing ?! Stop the fight I though ! Me and Abby run into the middle. Abby held back jake and I held back the tall stranger . Both of us putting are hand on there chest.Both of them kept pushing back .Until me and Abby could feel the back of each other's heels. Then they both stopped when they saw Mrs.Person walk down the hall.


I promise you after Mrs. Person walk by everyone went to class. My next class was old lady Person. She teaches ELA. Abby and I were in that class together. As Mrs. Person walk in the room with her skinny old chicken legs she slammed the door . Everyone jumped in there sets. She walk back and forth in front of the class all you hear is click, click,click ,from her heels.

She clears her throat then says "attention lady's and gentile men we have a new student to day". She speaks again " Meet Mr.Presley ". At the same time Abby and I looked at each other when he walked in . Mr.Presley sit next to Mrs.feilds. I gasp the whole class looked at me . I tryed to fake sneeze so people would think it wasn't me . I was blushing in embarrassment . Oh no he's siting next to me why me why not that creepy kid Josh I though.


He walk down the row with his head down. Mr.Presley can u walk faster people actually want to learn said Mrs.Person. He finely sat down. Abby nudge me with her elbow. She gave me a note that said he's looking at you. I glanced at him. He quickly turned his head at the bored so i wouldn't know he was looking at me. Mrs.Person called him up to the bored. Mr.Presley can you corrected this sentence. He mumble yea mam . She read the sentence aloud "Me and jimmy went to play ball". He said "Jimmy and I went to play ball". That correct she said . Three seconds later the bell rang "time for lunch "i said . Abby said yea lunch . She leaned to me and said I think that Presley kid is following us. See me and Abby walk a different way to lunch so were not in all the crowds. I looked at her and said he's probably lost .. I'll go ask. Abby muttered no don't but she said it loud enough so I can hear it. I whispered back I'll be fine . I walked up to him he was warring a leather jacket with white shoes and a pink shirt. He looked up and his blue eyes just amazed me . I quickly snapped out of it "are u lost "? He just said no I'm meant in somebody what's it to you? What's his problem I though . Just wondering ... sorry I said then turned around.After that we ate lunch Then went on the school bus and went home. Jake was so mad I thought steam was going to come out his ears . When he got home he slammed his black book bag down and knocked over are wooden white chair in the kitchen .


He said to me in a stern voice and said "Don't you ever brake up a fight you could of got hurt "! "If I ever see that kid again I'm going hit him in his damn face!" I muttered "no you won't " . Jake doesn't get in fights a lot but mostly it's for a good reason. Jake was 5'8 with brown hair and brown eyes and sort of tan but not really . Jake was skinny but muscular. But so was Presley. Jake said with a calm voice "come on kid time to hit the hay . I woke up the next day and went to school early cause I had to finish some work up. Jake had to finished some work too so he came along.As I walk into Mrs.Person room I see Presley. He was working on the chalk bored. Mrs.Person said Mrs.feilds work on your writing I'll be right back . As for you Mr.Presley keep writing on the bored. When Mrs.person left he walked back to me and stared at my appear as I wrote. He smirks I look and said what's your name he said why do you need to know ,just wondering I said. He said Elvis what's yours Emma . My brother walked in to make sure I was all right he saw elvis face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2014 ⏰

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