"That'll be—" she paused looking at what the younger girl had bought. "Eighty-nine cents"

     Bobbie reached for her pocket pulling out coins and counting them, then she placed it on the counter and left with her slurpee. Once again getting onto her bike. She rode with no hands on her handles and swerved around showing off to herself not really paying attention and kind of looking down.
     Then it hit her— or someone hit her? She hit someone? Either way, instantly she passed out.

     About an hour later bobbie found herself fluttering her eyes open. looking around in unfamiliar surroundings. where it looked to be four boys were murmuring.

"I-I still can't believe yo- you made her fall off her b-bu-bicycle" someone said.

"Hey! it was her fault" another stated.

"Uou idiot! Shut up, she's waking up" she now focused her attention on the small kid named Eddie Kaspbrac, she had math with him before school had ended.

"Ow, fuck" she whined holding her head, slowly getting up. "What hell? Where am I?" she questioned rather confused scrambling up.

"R-richie's h-h-house" William Denbrough or more well known as stuttering Bill, announced.

"Yeah, this four eyed moron over here knocked you down earlier" Stanley Uris pointed out.

     Richie rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. She hadn't really known the four boys but she had known their names, seeing as though she went to school with them through out junior high when she had moved there around three and a half years ago.

"We sterilized your wound, and then wrapped it in woven fabric made from wool" Eddie told, taking a breath from his inhaler.

"What he means is that we cleaned you up and put a fucking cloth on your head" Richie uttered.

"If you're wondering what happened, Richie and you crashed into one another, he freaked and put you on his bike and rode you over here, and then after he hit you he called Bill, me, and Eddie over"

"By the way, you're not exactly easy to carry, you're really heavy" Richie grumbled.

"Richie!" they all hollered.

"What??" he replied.

"Well gee thanks, real nice of you to call me fat" Bobbie stated angrily.

"You're not fat your just not easy to carry"

"Just shut up richie!" Eddie yelled.

"How bad was it anyways? When I hit my head" Bobbie asked, looking towards what she had been laying on, which was in fact Richie's bed, that had smelled as if the sheets and blankets hadn't been washed in at least 4 months.

"Very bad, you were bleeding all over! Your helmet cracked and everything, if you weren't wearing it you would've probably shattered your skull, I mean look at your clothes" Richie claimed, grinning.

Bobbie hesitated to glance at her outfit, until she did, seeing ruby red fluid everywhere from her tank top down to her flip flops, instantly, she screamed.

"I'm only kidding! It was just that slurpee you had, it spilled on you" Richie laughed loudly.

"You asshole!" Bobbie hollered, scrunching her face at the curly haired boy with glasses. Which made all the other boys look to Richie in disgust and disbelief. "God, it's so dark outside what time is it??"

Eddie looked down to his wrist watch "9:57 p.m"

"Shit, I should get going" She shook her head standing up.

"No can do sweetheart," Richie proclaimed.

"W-what? How come!" she stuttered.

"Incase you haven't noticed, there's a thunderstorm, and I sorta left your bike out by where you 'bumped' into me"

"So I have to stay the night??"

He nodded his head, "My parents don't mind"

"It's not that bad outside is—?" just as she was going to finish her sentence a loud boom came from outside and rain could be heard violently hitting the ground and roof.

"Does that answer your question?" Richie said.

She sighed "Can I borrow your phone? I gotta call my mom to let her know,..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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