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n hour later, Snake began his infiltration of Shadow Moses Island. The military had Snake make an underwater insertion via an SDV (Swimmer Delivery Vehicle), to avoid the Discovery being detected by enemy sonar, which along with the weather conditions, negated the possibility of an air insertion. Two F-16 fighters were scrambled from Galena AFB as a diversionary tactic, allowing Snake to sneak in undetected. Snake reported his successful infiltration to Campbell and Naomi by radio, and was introduced to data analyst Mei Ling, who explained the operation of his Soliton Radar.

Snake later witnessed the terrorist leader, Liquid, board and take off in a Hind D gunship, causing he and Campbell to ponder over the presence of Russian weapons on the base. Infiltrating the base's tank hangar via the air ducts, Snake was contacted by his former mentor, Master Miller, who had volunteered to offer radio support after learning of the mission from Campbell. Snake then eavesdropped on a conversation between two Genome Soldiers where he learned that the DARPA Chief had been relocated. Meanwhile, Liquid Snake used the Hind D to engage and shoot down the two F-16s.

Metal Gear Solid: The Shadow Moses IncidentWhere stories live. Discover now