"Still listening to that shitty music, nerd? Then again, I always knew you have low standards." He muttered in my ear.

I could feel the loss of heat as he stood up and moved forward, knocking my brief off of the desk and descending the stairs. I stared at his back in disdain.

Reece Jenkins. Or, as his buddies called him, RJ.

Otherwise known as the bane of my fucking existence.

So maybe that was overdramatic, but it was the truth. For some goddamn reason Reece had selected me as his lucky victim for the four years of college. Actually, I knew part of the reason why, but it still puzzled me as to why he continued to use me as his verbal punching bag.

Bullying was a strong word, but it came close to describing how Reece treated me. It was the small things he did to irritate me, but the absolute hatred he had towards me was enough to make me feel scared of him.

The man in question moved down the stairs, his long, muscular legs effortlessly doing their job. His back was clad in a thin cotton full sleeve shirt, the deltoids and angles of muscle flexing as he moved. The sleeves of his shirt were pulled up, his large forearms with veins popping out subtly visible to my perusal.

Yo, snap out of it. This is the guy who calls you names and tears your notes.

I shook my head and did snap out of it. Reece walked down and out of the classroom, nodding at the group of cheer girls near by, who giggled and stared as he walked through the door, running a hand through his unruly reddish-blond hair and scratching at his scruffy jaw.

I rolled my eyes as the girls whispered amongst each other and occasionally giggled, obviously talking about him. The star of the basketball team, the MVP, the hottest man on campus, the most delicious body ever, blah blah blah. I had heard it all.


After micro economics, art history and a couple more classes ended, I trudged my way through to the cafeteria and grabbed two sandwiches and fries, sitting down outside on a table in the courtyard.

As I was removing my jacket, someone hit me on the back of my head and rounded the table, plopping into the bench opposite to me.

I frowned and threw a fry at Roxanne, who of course picked it up and ate it. I rolled my eyes at her.

She smiled wide, flashing a little of the tongue piercing she had gotten done last year, settling in and opening her sandwich.

"So, how was the first day back?"

I threw down the fry I was picking up with a glum mood. "Okay, I guess. Hayden gave us two essays to write, and Lucius ordered a draft on the term 1 thesis." Dr. Hayden was my Art history teacher, a tough yet fair teacher, and Lucius was what Roxanne and I called Mrs. Parkinson, a woman we both did not like. Actually, I was pretty okay with her, but Roxanne claimed she was a black magic expert who called upon demons in her free time, hence the name Lucius. We both knew it was only because Lucius kept getting Roxanne into trouble that the name even came around.

The red head opposite to me rolled her eyes. "What else can you expect from her. But seriously, they're putting too much pressure on us, and its just the beginning of the year." Roxanne complained and chewed as I smiled at her rant. "Oh and I I love your shirt, where did you get it?"

I looked down at my pale pink full sleeve shirt. It had a woven pattern despite being pretty thin, and I realized it was quite figure hugging but still super comfortable and very pretty in colour. I had found it yesterday deep in my closet when I was cleaning.

The College Bully (Love Came In #2)Where stories live. Discover now