Home Is Where The Heart Is

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*Violetta looks down and goes pale*

Diego: just delete it, like the rest of them...

Manager: are you sure? Violetta is that what you want?

Violetta: Erm.. Yeah... Sure *she says trying to get her words out*

Diego: just delete them, she doesn't want to hear them... *he puts his arm around Violetta's waist*

Manager: Okay, well there's an interviewer here who really wants to interview you Violetta, is it okay if I let her in? She had an appointment

Violetta: Ok...

*The manager let's the interviewer in then leaves he the room, she walks over to Violetta and shakes her hand*

Interviewer: Hi Violetta, I'm a big fan of yours, my name in Maria.

Violetta: Maria... *she stands still*

*Diego looks concerned but leans over Violetta to shake her hand*

Diego: Hi, I'm Diego... Violetta's boyfriend *he smiles*

Maria: nice to meet you, Violetta... Are you okay?

Violetta: I'm just going to go to the bathroom... *she walks out of the room*

Diego: I apologise, she's had a bit of a history with women named Maria

Maria: oh I didn't know it would be a problem, I'm sorry...

Diego: it's okay no need to apologise, I'll go see how she is *he walks into the bathroom* Are you okay Violetta?

Violetta: I just need some time alone... Please.

Diego: she's waiting outside for you, come on Violetta you can do this *he puts his arms round her* you can pull through this.

Violetta: Diego, every thing that I see reminds me of my family! I can't take it no more! *she puts her head in her hands*

Diego: I bet half of your fans are named Maria! It's just a name Vilu, she can't help it, think about your fans... I know it's hard but you've coped for 2 years...

*Violetta looks down*

Diego: come on Violetta, for your fans *he kisses her*

Violetta: *she grins* I'll talk to her then

Diego: good *he smiles, Violetta walks into the room Maria is in*

Maria: is everything okay?

Violetta: Yes... Sorry to keep you waiting

Maria: no, don't worry about it *she grins* I have a few questions for you... If that's okay?

Violetta: Ok *she grins*

Maria: Okay, well we know your pretty far away from home being in L.A right now, but when was the last time you saw your family?

*Diego grabs Violetta's hand*

Violetta: *she looks down* I think it was 2 years ago...

Maria: and you live in?...

Violetta: Argentina, Buenos aires...

Maria: I love that country *she smiles* do you smoke or drink or anything like that?

Violetta: *she looks at Diego* No I don't smoke or drink...

*Diego squeezes her hand*

Maria: we heard that you might be doing a reality show, is this true?

Violetta: I'm thinking about it at the moment

Maria: anyone you miss in particular at home? Any children?

Violetta: *she turns pale* Well... No children no *she closes her eyes*

Maria: that's all I need to know, thank you for your time *she smiles*

Violetta: your welcome

Diego: want me to show you to the door?

Maria: no that's okay, thank you *she smiles as she walks out*

Diego: they were strange questions *he laughs*

Violetta: I think I need to go see Leon and Maria, my daughter...

Leonetta: Europe *part 3*Where stories live. Discover now