We exchanged compliments and a few laughs before parting ways, she had to get ready for her match later on and the show was already underway. I did my makeup darker than usual and headed to the corridor where I was supposed to shoot my promo. I would be minding my own business talking to Renee about my new finisher when Nikki, the number one contender for the Diva's Championship, would interrupt and attack me mid-interview, and lucky for me, we got it done in one take because I didn't want to get slapped and attacked twice in one day. After shooting, I wasted some time here and there until Rosa's match, watching the TV nearby. As their match was underway I stood by, waiting for my cue. Nikki dominated most of the match and Irish whipped Rosa into the corner. I ran out of the curtain and down the ramp, jumping on the apron to distract Nikki, giving Rosa enough time to grab Nikki and hit her with her signature sidewalk slam, La Peligrosa. Rosa went for the cover and when the ref counted to three I entered the ring and held Rosa's arm up, glaring down at Nikki. Rosa's music filled the arena and I pulled Nikki up by her hair, as Rosa danced in victory.

"Whoa! First she causes a distraction then costs Nikki Bella the match? What does Vanessa think she's doing?!" Jerry cried out on commentary.

"She's going for her finisher!" Michael Cole practically screamed as I went out to the apron and went for the springboard swinging neck breaker "Starcrossed Wasteland!" the crowd erupted in a mix of boo's and cheers.

"You're all just jealous!" Rosa called out to the crowd as I stood over Nikki and we exit the ring, eyeing Nikki as we walked back up the ramp.

Once we were in the backstage area we sat down long enough for Rosa to catch her breath. "So you don't even feel bad that you cost Nikki the match?" she asked after taking a drink from her water bottle.

"Nah it was actually kinda fun" We shared a laugh and a quick hug before she headed back to the locker room. I pulled out my phone and noticed some texts I had received. The first was from my brother, Thomas.

"We won 92-58!"

I quickly replied "so proud of you bro! sorry I couldn't be there! :(" My brother was always to type to succeed in anything he put his heart and mind to.

Another message was a courtesy reminder that my phone bill was due in a few days. 'Ugh responsibilities' I rolled my eyes and called the company and paid my bill by phone, knowing that if I didn't pay it now, I'd completely forget to do it. Silly me, I can be so forgetful! As I waited on the phone for my payment to go through, I felt someone peeking over my shoulder.

"What is it Rollins?" I asked without turning around, not wanting him to see me smile.

"Man, how'd you know it was me?" I hung up once my payment was confirmed and turned to face him. In all honestly I wasn't sure it was him but I secretly hoped it was, but of course I wasn't going to tell him that!

"I could smell hair bleach from down the hall" I shoved him playfully.

"Funny" he knew I was kidding of course "Hey my match is next, but I was gonna ask if you wanted to go out and eat tonight."

"Sure" I felt the butterflies in my stomach flutter around and I tried not to lose my mind in the process.

"Awesome, after my match we'll go. Cool?" I nodded and watched him walk away as I bit my lip, 'Damn, just... damn'. I was kind of glad he decided to no longer wear a shirt and protective vest in the ring, because my goodness, those abs.

Seth's match was over fairly quickly and while I waited for him to get showered, I met up with Sandra the seamstress. In addition to being the new bad girl, I got to change up my entrance music and my wardrobe. I love Halestorm and exchanged "Love Bites" for "Adrenalize" by In This Moment. After Sandra finished taking my measurements, I explained to her more or less what I had in my head for my new ring gear, but I trust Sandra and I was open to her making changes to what I had in mind.

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