chapter four: the executioner

Start from the beginning

"What? Stop fannying about, we need to get a move on? Is that that a larger?" Carlos smiled wildly, ive only got four Andros, Kate and Carlos all had one, 10 minutes later they set off to find me.There was a trail, of leaking petrol, from the guys who kidnapped me, they followed the trail, obviously.

Now, when your stuck in a room, and you've been kidnapped by a group of me, what would you do, oh and allso your pregnant? Well, youl know what i did, i smashed the  guards head on the floor

"Now, i call the shots from here, so, il give you one chance before i kill you, Where am i?" i forced him to answer me

"Your about 300 meeters from the place you were last, and the executioner isn't happy with you!" He explained

"Thanks!" I said, as i knocked him to the ground.

Then a load of guards ran in, i hid the gun. They dragged me to my knees, kicked me, then they dragged me into the shed, then they put me to my knees, i was at a man's feet, as i looked up he wore a pair of old boots, black leather jacket and jeans

"You may have been expecting a visit with the executioner, but luckily for you, youve got a visit with me instead, now your going to get hurt, sweet heart!" The man exclaimed rudly

"Shes pregnant sir" Proposed one of the men

"Oh well, you can loose what we lost, my tiger! We lost our baby, youl loose yours!"

"NOOOO! Please!!!"

Andros and Carlos could hear me scream they ran over there, as fast as they could

"Lucy, were coming for you!" They yelled

Then they were stopped by four men, Andros was punched by a big, bolky bloke,Andros looked at him and decked him, he smashed his teeth into bits and stood on his head, the next man ran at Carlos, he ducked and hit him in the belly, he threw him to the floor, they thought they had just won the fight but then they got knocked straight to the floor by the other two.

Then the big man lifted his foot off of the floor and kicked me in the head, i fell back, bleading even more now, the two men walked over to my brother and Carlos

"So you forgot you were messing with the most hardcore, gangstar group in the wild hu? IDIOTS!" They shouted as they stood on their faces, Carlos was badly injured, but Andros just played dead, then the man walked up close to Andros, face hight, then Andros opened his eyes and head butted him, but they then got restrained again.

The men in my room were acting like they were going to kill my baby

"Just you wait till my  brother gets here, he will kill you all!" I defended

They just laughed in my face, one of them even spat on me

I wondered what would happen if i had to stay here for ever, but then there was a loud roar, it was a tiger, it ran in, and charged toawrds me, i knew what i had too do, i pulled out the gun and shot the tiger in the brains, the gun shot silenced everyone for quit some time, then they heared it outside, and all the comotion went silent, they all didn't really know what to do.

Then i woke up, i was next to Carlos and Andros, but not Kate, i had bruises on my face and arms, i knew im Andros seen me he would kick off, big time, then just before he looked at me we noticed Carlos crying in the corner of the cell, it was disturbing actually

"Whats wrong?" I asked him

He was worried about what was going ot happen to Kate, we knew she would be fine.

Andros looked at me


"Its...its fine...its just a sure" I replied to him, trying not to worry him

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