chapter 12- Apology

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Hi guys ! It's been a little while since i posted the last chapter and i'm sorry, my laptop is with trouble so it needs fixing, I moved to a new bedroom where the internet connection is very slow and I still need to move some furniture. But atleast exams are over, YAY! Thanks to who ever voted on chapter 11: Blue_Bird567, MRSNEONUNICORN, lexi_lou97, aldora4, loves20z_pain, wingsthatfly, sakutani, kassandraRojas, LauraMcCoy572, samanthakiefert1, AmIReallyMary and Neko_Sasuke-kun    also who commented: loves20z_pain, LauraMcCoy572, AMIReallyMary, MRSNEONUNICORN and blackkitty0207.

Thanks a lot everyone! ^_^ <3


Naruto P.O.V

I followed my team members and Kakashi sensei outside Lady Tsunade's office. I really want to know what they're talking about, it involves Sasuke so i'm kind of curious.  I looked over at Kakashi sensei and Sai who where reading some kind of a book, I looked at Sakura who was already glancing at me, I quickly moved my gaze away to the floor. "Naruto, can I talk to you?" I slowly looked up to see Sakura giving me a small smile. "Um...yeah" Is she going to give me another one of her talks about how i'm worthless to Sasuke?

"I..I was really mean to you, I shouldn't have said those harsh words and acted worse than a child. I should've known that Sasuke has no interest in me, I was being so annoying to him. Now I see who Sasuke really loves, you I guess.Naruto you'e so lucky to have Sasuke love you, I also wanted to apoligize. I'm so sorry Naruto, will you forgive me?" by now Sakura was almost crying. I never have ever dealt in any of these situations before, should I forgive her?.

I mean, yeah she did say mean stuff to me but seeing a person she loves loving another person is hurtfull, I can't imagine sasuke loving someone else and not me.I gave Sakura one of my cheeky smiles "I understand, apology accepted" Sakura smiled widely and hugged me as I said those words.

Sasuke P.O.V

I walked out seeing Sakura talking and smiling at Naruto, what us she doing there talking to him? I swear if she says anything mean to Naruto, there will be no way her face could get fixed.I walked over at Naruto seeing him smiling at her "Sakura! Didn't I make it clear enough?stay away from him!" I gave her one of my glares. Suddenly Naruto grabbed my hand. "No Sasuke, Sakura just wanted to apoligize and I forgive her" Naruto pecked me on the cheek "Now ramen?" Naruto's eyes where filed with hope to go get some ramen. "Sure, and you can have as much as you want" Naruto smiled widely and I smiled back at him. I gave Sakura a glare showing her clearly that I wont forgive her.

Me and Naruto walked to Ichiraku all the time holding hands, we recived some weird glances from some people and some curios ones. Heh, the faces my 'fangirls' did was hilarious when they saw us holding hands. Now I hope that they know that it's someone else that I love. We arrived at the ramen shop and sat on a stool "A miso ramen with extra bbq pork old man!"

Naruto and I came here for like 3/4 times per week so now Ichiraku probably got used to Naruto. "So the rumors are probably true" I turned around to find kiba and Akamaru  walking towards us. "Oh hi kiba! What rumors?" Naruto asked with a curious look and a curious tone. "The rumors about you two being together, so are they true?" Naruto blushed while I smirked. "Yup, it's true, we are together as a couple" So there are rumors about us huh? Good I don't want to hide us, I dont care what anyone will think. I want everyone to know about our love. After Naruto ate his ninth ramen bowl we decided to head home and rest since we'll go on a mission again, and it's gonna be Naruto's first mission.


Whew this chapter done, next chappy is called : A missio. So yes they will go on a mission in the next chapter. So I will try updating monday or tuesday , I'll try sooner. So I have a really important question: Do you ship kiba with anyone? BXB? i wanted to have another bxb small relation ship in this but the story wont phocus on it dont worry, and it doesnt have to be kiba x someone it could be anyone =D

My Kitty- SasuNaruDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora