Diggy- You read that letter?

Kasia- Yeah, I’m the one that read it to her and everyone else!

Nastasia- And Y/N isn’t like me. Like, I love to spend like $300 on a pair of shoes, but she doesn’t, she hates it despite her wealth and status.

Diggy- What so, the tiniest, cutest things are what she loves?

Kasia- Yeah cause those are like huge gestures for her, she treasures them.

Nastasia- Like if you’re gonna take her on a date, go like, bowling or to a theme park or a funfair and win her a prize or go to the beach or something, a teddy bear, all the childish things are what she likes

Kasia- Your picnic idea was the cutest, things like that are amazing

Diggy- Really?

Nastasia- Hell yeah, hell yeah, hell yeah!

Kasia- Fucking right, fucking right, alrightttt

Kasia/Nastasia- *laugh*

Diggy- *laughs* You guys are like twins

Nastasia- We get that a lot!

Kasia- But yeah, you two are cute together, just don’t fuck up and you’ll do great.

Diggy- Cool.

I liked Nastasia and Kasia, they said I can nickname them Stas and Kah seeing as they’re like my new sisters now. They were so random, funny and sarcastic and a bit scary at times because they would say the same thing at the same time a lot, and it was mostly unintentional…

We were joking around and laughing for about half an hour before Y/N came back in the room with Adrianna- Ade for short, and Monica- Mon for short


Y/N- Ade, Mon, this is my boyfriend Diggy

Diggy- *hugs them both* nice to meet you both… *to Adrianna* you kissed Twist at the club on Monday didn’t you..?

Adrianna- *covers face with her hands* Oh God, yeah I did. 

Diggy- Yeah he said you were pretty hot…

Adrianna- He was a mistake, I was trying to get over my last relationship, nothing serious, I wasn’t serious!

Y/N- You didn’t have to kiss the first guy you saw!

Monica- Actually, Trey was the first guy she saw *laughs*

Diggy- So Kah and Stas told me about themselves, what about you guys?

Monica- I’m from South London too, erm, I have two elder brothers, my parents own several cake supply companies, and erm…I love skittles, I really do

Adrianna- Yeah I’m repping South, me and Y/N’s mums are best friends, erm…my mum is the international creative director at Adidas, I have a sister and I err….love to shop

Diggy- So far so good!!

Adrianna- Hey Dig, what you doing on Monday?

Diggy- I’m not sure Ade, why?

Adrianna- We could all go to the Manhattan funfair, it sounds really good

Nastasia- That’s awesome Ade *high fives her*

Diggy- I’m down for it!

Kasia- We all are!

It was exciting that my friends invited Diggy to the funfair with us, that was so nice of them. Soon enough, Nori knocked on the door and said the girls should get some sleep if anyone wanted to go to rehearsals with me in the morning. She said I had the clothes for my concert in my room and I had to go and pick with my concert stylist and Dig took it as his cue to leave. 

He gave all the girls their individual goodbyes before following me out the door, I told Nori I wouldn’t be long and I went with him to the elevator.

Y/N- My friends really like you huh?

Diggy- Yeah I think they do…

Y/N- My concert is tomorrow, I’m hoping to pick some cute outfits so you can drool over yourself while I’m on stage…

Diggy- *laughs* I’ll try to resist…

He leaned down to kiss me and I tiptoed and kissed him back. We were making out again in front of the elevator. 

I’m sure I heard Kah and Ade around the corner giggling and watching us kissing, so I had to cut the kiss shorter than I wanted it to be. 

Y/N- *looks him in the eyes* See you tomorrow…

Diggy- I’ll see you then *gets in elevator and pushes button* I love you

Y/N- I love you too

*elevator doors close*

I went back to my room and as I opened my door, I heard Ade and Monica’s door closing, they were definitely spying on me!

I walked through my room door to see two rails of clothes and dresses and shoes under them, Nori was there with my costume designer Maya and the filming crew were already rolling. Maya told me I had 4 outfits for my concert and four pairs of shoes and I had to pick them

After an hour of decisions, discussions, fittings, approvals and dismissals, Maya and I chose 

http://www.sherrihill.com/Sherri_Hill_21062.htm in cream  and silver heels for the opening 

http://www.sherrihill.com/Sherri_Hill_21101.htm in green and white heels for my performance with Drake and my solos 

http://www.sherrihill.com/Sherri_Hill_21154.htm in pinkish red and gold heels for when I’d perform with J. Cole and my solos and 

http://www.sherrihill.com/Sherri_Hill_1560.htm and nude heels for the closing performance.

Sherri Hill won everything, the dresses were so me and the colours reflected the theme of my tour, I mean it is called “The Strobe Lights Tour”, I needed cute, fun and colourful outfits to perform in and Sherri Hill delivered perfectly.

An hour later I was ready for bed, I grabbed my phone and tweeted some of my fans, favourited the tweets I was mentioned in and “Y/N and Diggy" was even trending worldwide. Some of the messages were cute, it was just people’s opinions, everyone has them, they don’t bother me like they used to. My mentions were either fans saying that me and Dig are together, we’re cute together or that they still love Diggy and he’s their husband, which were all cute lol.

This one tweet in my mentions bugged my mind tho:

"@jessicajarrell: @(your twitter username), you better stay the fuck away from Diggy, or I’ll make your life a living hell and you won’t even know"

It gathered a few mentions and retweets but she didn’t reply to the people who replied to the tweet and neither did I. I ignored it, but it played on my mind, who was this girl? 

But the message bugged my mind. I’m sure I know this girl somehow, I’m sure we’ve met, I know that name from somewhere…

The thought was gone and I finally drifted off to sleep, whispering to myself "please be a great concert….please be a great concert…. please be a great concert…….”

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