chapter 042 // super moves & new costumes

Start from the beginning

"My holo-glove!" I smile at him before pulling him into a hug "Your a dear! I knew you had it, & if you had it I knew it was in great hands!" I laughs awkwardly & scratches his cheek as a light blush dusted his cheeks, which I thought was cute

"It u-uh was nothing!"

= Third Person =

"So you want me to come at you with full power?" she asked Ectoplasm's clone, he nodded his head

"If you do have a second quirk that has 7 in it, I want you to demonstrate them all to me." she put a face on & scratched her cheek

"I don't think that's a wise choice, sir."

"How bad can it be?"

"You have no idea, but... can I actually show you an example of one of my quirks before I do it on you?" he raises an eyebrow before nodding his head

"You may." she motioned him to step aside, all the other students suddenly started getting hot & sweaty & began to fan themselves

"Is it just me or is it getting hot?"

"No, it really is!" suddenly bursts of magma shot up in different directions & multiple pillars that Cementoss made began to melt, soon enough laughter was heard

"Ah hahaha!! That wasn't even at its hottest & everything is already beginning to melt!" they look over & saw Chris & her entire left arm was magma "Woo!! Geothermal really is one of my favorite quirks!"

"Ah hahaha!! That wasn't even at its hottest & everything is already beginning to melt!" they look over & saw Chris & her entire left arm was magma "Woo!! Geothermal really is one of my favorite quirks!"

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"Dammit Chris! Learn to keep the heat down!" she waved at them apologetically

"No!! Turn up the heat!!" she gives Bakugou a look before making it disappear, she puts on a look as she pats away the fire the magma created on her costume, she loops her finger in a hole & lightly pulls at it

'Hmm... I'm gonna need to use different fabrics if I'm gonna use my other quirks now. Maybe a few fabrics that can expand, another that can stand the heat of the magma & fi--'

"Young Jitami." she jolted out of her thoughts & looked over to see it was Ectoplasm "Its time to show me your other quirks!" she shook her head & clenched her fists

"Yup!" Chris was no hunched over while panting, she had sweat running down her forehead as she had an aching headache with both her legs & arms throbbing, her throat was burning & her body & her hair were twitching. She used so much power on him it left her body in such a state, he stared down at her & contemplated on what to do

"Luckily this period is almost over, I'm going to send someone to take you to Recovery Girl."

"What? No! I-I'm fine! I can just... w-walk it off!" she stands up but immediately fell onto her knee, he shook his head & calls Iida over

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