The Smart, Beautiful, Poor...and the Guys Who Find it Attractive

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Ok guys, new romance story for the watty awards:) please vote, fb, tweet, and comment:):)

I decided to start a new story instead of a sequal. I think the other story doesnt need a sequal, so i dont want to mess it up.

The upload for "the new sexy boys in town..." will be up soon too.

There r 4,670 of you guys, so please help me out:)

I know this will seem cliche, but it wont be as it goes on. This is more of an intro so it goes a bit quickly.

Oh and read: hisdearest02's story: the arrogant jerk who burrowed his way into my <3.


Chapter 1

~*Faith's POV*~

"No!" i protested.

"Yes!" My mother said. I shook my head vigouresly.

"No mom! Please!"

"Faith! This is a great oppurtunity for you! Think of all the possibilities! Full scholarships to the best colleges the world has to offer! You can be the first of our family to graduate with a phD!"

"You mean the first in our family to graduate college at all." i spat, and my mom sighed.

"Please Faith. It means so much to me! And its all for you! This school only accepts 50 students a year! An they chose you! Its too good an opportunity to pass up! Candridge Prep is an amazing school!"

"Mom, its not a school! Its a prison! I'll have to live there! 135.2 miles away from you and Danny!"

"Dont worry about us, Faith. You deserve this. Your hard work got you a spot in the school. Please take my advice and make me happy. Go to the school, continue your education, and become the most succesful person you can!" Mom smiled and i had no choice. She wants this more than anything, and i cant say no to her.

"Ok mom. I will. I'll go pack." i said. My mom squealed and hugged me. She brushed my auburn hair out of my eyes and smiled.

"Thank you Faith. Now let me cal the acadamy and tell them the news. Oh this is wonderful!" my mom squealed as i walked to my small room.

Im Faith Laney. I just turned 16, and im a genius. Ive gotten straight A's since i was 10 and i participate in many afterschool activities. Volleyball, cheerleading, talent shows, tutoring, fundraisers, art club, and poetry recitals.

The only problem is, my family is dirt poor. My mom used to be a model, but after her leg injury, she was fired. She never graduated highschool, so she works at Walmart and as a waitress, with low pay. I dont know who my father is, cause he never married my mother.

Mom adopted Danny, my little brother, three years ago. I dont know why she did, considering our condition, but im glad she did. Danny is my love and joy.

Not to be concieted, but im pretty. I have long auburn hair, hazel eyes, a small button nose, full pink lips, and a curvy body. I got my long legs and curves from my mom.

My uncle Walter pays 1/2 our bills and he and my aunt Camille brings us lots of gifts. My grandpa and grandma come invite us over on the holidays, cause they dont want to visit our small apartment. To my family, im the jewel. The smart, pretty girl who will do something amazing to put our family name in the books.

So i see why my mother wants me to go to Candridge Prep Acadamy. Its the best acadamy in the USA for students who want to become big. Students get in causr theyre athletic, talented, rich, influencial and in my case, smart.

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