chapter three ; it's broken not sprained, broken

Começar do início

I was used to the constant bullying. I mean if you knew Corrina Langford you would too. But I didn't want to think about her. I didn't want to think about Boarding School at all.

Yet, that task was kind of hard when they were all talking about me, it felt like the whole school. I knew that they were talking, and they all knew that too.

The words varied, they all stung the same in the end.

The trouble maker.

Can this girl do anything right?

The trash mouth.

Is that the girl from the boarding school.

She was a bitch.

She hasn't changed a bit.

Richie's twin.

Another stupid trashmouth.

The loser.

( a/n another original quote I will keep: "Insest twins." )

The brat.

The skank.

At this point I had enough. Did they think I couldn't hear them? I mean it was Derry. Rumor spread fast. I made my way through the bustling cafeteria where Eddie and Richie sat at a small table.

I huffed annoyed with the day.

"What's wrong Sissy?" Richie said trying to impersonate a cowboy.

"Everything", I sighed as Stan came behind me bumping my shoulder. I rolled my eyes at the boy. Ignoring the usual gut feeling I got when he was in the room.

He sat next to me his big brown eyes darting across the room. I watched as he clenched his fist, shaking his head.

"I actually wish we weren't such pussies and could stand up to Bowers?"

"Wha-at is he-e doi-ing this tim-e" Bill said looking up from his tray as he sat down next to Richie.

"Probably Greta..." Eddie said calmly. I let out a weird crackling sound that we called my laugh.

We continued to talk for a couple of minutes. Reminiscing on this childhood bullies, the names you would remember.

"you started messing with my head until i hit a wall" ( i really don't care , demi lavato )
stanley's pov !!

The common bad joke or the mummer of laughter came from our table. It was weird with Lenny back but it was so right. Everything was back in place. Everything was back how it should be. How it should have never changed.

As if the moment was caught on a camera. Lenny's bright smile caught my attention as it abruptly faded to a frown.

"The rat crawled out of her nest huh?" A ratchet, pitchy voice rang out.

I looked over to see none other than Greta Keene standing over Lenny. Lenny huffed, "Rats don't live in nests you idiot."

"At least I didn't get sent off to an all dyke school to learn."

"Go away Greta!" I said clearly annoyed.

"Protecting your little girlfriend", she sighed fakely.

"Um, no she Isn't my girlfriend she's probably my best friend. Like I trust this girl with my life but, even if she was I wouldn't treat her like shit Greta. Now I'd appreciate it if you would kindly back away, go bother someone else!" I shooed her off.

I looked at Lenny for a comment but she was clearly out of focus. I was really confused but I had more important things to deal with. Greta didn't budge. I wasn't very pleased with that.

"What do you want Keene?" Eddie scowled at the taller girl.

"I just wanted to remind you losers and your little bitch here that you're trash! Oh, and Eddie you are looking a little pale maybe you should pick up your wacko medicine." She said snarky. I sat up in my seat, Bill shoved me down.

"Talk to my little sister like that again. I dare you!" Richie growled.

"Calm your gay ass down Tozier" Henry Bowers said walking behind Greta who popped her bubble gum.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, Lenny got up turned around and grabbed and twisted Henry's wrist.

"Wanna repeat that or are you gonna run away and open up legs for your dad!" Bowers yelped as a response, as Lenny let go of the older boy's wrist.

I looked quizzically as Bowers howled in pain clutching his arm. It was twisted in weird directions. As I pieced together the scene that was playing out I wasn't surprised that Lenny was able to snap Henry's small wrist. HE usually had his pose do his dirty work.

Then she ran, Lenny ditched so fast. I pushed Bill off of me who was still holding me down from before. I shoved out my chair and ran after the dark-haired girl.

She ran through the deserted hallways. Before I heard, "Get that bitch and her little boyfriend!"

The Bowers gang came running down the hall. I saw Richie running behind them before slipping and tumbling.

Lenny turned an edge. Opening a closet before the bullies could see her. The crew of older boys came pushing past me while yelling about Lenny.

I double knocked on the door, "It's Stan!"

The door opened slowly as I crept inside. Seeing Lenny sitting criss-cross on the ground her head in her hands, she was breathing hard looking down.

"You did some damage there Len's" I wrapped my arms around her shaking body, "I think you sprained his wrist!"

She whispered her head on my shoulder, I started breathing harder as she whispered in my ear, "It's broken, not sprained broken!"

Boarding School : Stan UrisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora