The Confession

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   I scurry to the otherside of the car pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around myself. What the hell do you want from me I scream loudly while balling my fist up several times. "Nice panties" comes Mathias' raspy voice. I look over and see him bluntly checking me out with his eyes adverted to my red sheer lace thong. I quickly pull my legs down and cover my face with my hands to hide the embarrassment coating my face in a tenge of red. "What do you want Mathias? What do I have to do with a bet? How is Amari involved? What is all of this?", I yell while moving my hands adomently while I scream.

    Mathias turns to me and says," I've gone to school with you since the first year at university. I took the same classes as you and watched you from afar. You've consumed my thoughts for the last four years of my life Ariahna. Every dream when I fall asleep at night is consumed by you. I want to smell you, taste you, I ....I..... I want to ravish you in every way possible. I've yerned for you for so long yet you didn't even know my name. Amari has known how I crave you since first year of university. Two weeks ago she propositioned me. The girl is nuts and used to getting what she wants. She knows I want to give myself to you. I want you to own me physically and mentally. I want to give my virginity to you Ariahna."

    "What does this have to with the bet", I say in a small voice while crossing my left leg over my right thigh. "Amari made a bet with me. All I had to do was get you to ride to the after party with me without her help. If I succeeded she was going to help me win you you realise how much I want ..... And.... And crave you", he says. "And if you lost what do you have to do", I say. Mathias looks at me with sad eyes and almost in a whisper he says," I have to give my virginity to her and be her sex slave until she says otherwise." A gasp leaves my lips and my eyes widen. "Why would you agree to something so stupid Mathias? Have you gone mad? "I'd do anything to get you Ariahna. Ive been in love with you since the first day I seen you." My heart rate picks up speed like a freight train and I have goosebumps down my spine. Then he continues," I didn't think it would be so difficult just to get you to ride in a car to a party with me Ariahna. "I wont let this happen Mathias. I wont let her do this to me"" I say breathlessly. "What are you going to do about it Ariahna?" Mathias replies as he closes the distance between us with a glent in his eye.   I straddle his lap, wrap my hands around the back of his neck, and peck his lips. Then once I have his full attention I tell him," I'm going to beat that little bitch at her own game." First I'm going to rock your virginized world while she watches thru the cameras I see hidden in this limo", I whisper seductively as I lick and then suck on his earlobe. I suck on his neck trailing kisses down the side of it as I say, " Hi Amari and wave to the camera." I rock my hips back and forth, then make slow figure eights by swaying my hips and grinding against his manhood. He releases a low growl," Ariahna you're driving me crazy." His hands trail up and under my dress until the palms of his hands are resting on the flesh of my ass and he gently squeezes my cheeks eliciting a moan from me as I grind against him. I rip his button up shirt and the buttons fly around the back of the limo. I let my eyes and hands roam over his 6 pack abs while biting my bottom lip. His breath hitches as I kiss down his bair stomach licking his abs as I pass by each one. When I get to the waistband of his jeans I use my teeth to pop the snap open and lower his zipper. He gasps again as he grabs my hair.

******flash forward five years later******

Mathias flops off of me onto our bed leaving me a sweaty panting mess. Then he pulls me over gently into his side while kissing my temple. "I love you Ariahna, he almost whispers but I hear the truthfulness in his voice. "I love you too Mathias forever", I truthfully say back. Mathias plays with my wedding ring and says I'm so glad that you said yes. I smile at him as he lowers down to my belly and talks to our twins growing within my womb. "Aleeah and Alajandra you have the most beautiful caring mother in the world. I'd tell you the story of your mother and I but it isn't baby friendly he chuckles. It's how your brother Xavior got here though he whispers, looking at me with those lustful eyes. I giggle and swat at him.  It's crazy how a single bet can change your whole life. I went looking for a concert and caught myself a husband instead. I figured the only way of getting Mathias out of his deal with Amari was to marry him. So thats what we did. I know it was a fast brash decision but Its the best choice ive ever made. It drove me mad knowing she was trying to take what's mine even if I only knew who he was and that he wanted me for a few hours. I didn't believe in love at first site until I met my husband Mathias but I can tell you it does exist and it consumes you mind body and soul. I'd do anything for this man and ill be damned if anyone ever takes him away!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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