Part Two

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"Big brother, wake up!" I'm woken up by innocence at its primmest form. My younger sister Cy was shaking me to death. "Okay, I'm up already!" I scream out. We had to stay in the same dorm room because of 1) We're related and she couldn't have her own and 2) She insisted. Apparently, I don't wake up in time. I ended up making a HUGE mistake. I fell back asleep immediately. "Wake up!" Cy shouted. I didn't move an inch. She climbed up on top of me and pinched my scar as hard as she could. "OWWW, OK OK I'M UP!" That was the most aching pain I've felt in a long time. I finally got up out of bed...with a visible bruise on my forehead. Thankfully my bangs covered it, so I didn't need to worry as much.

We were met by the others outside. The first one I set my eyes on was Akari. She had too much of an innocent look on her face. "Hey meet my younger sister Cy," I said this as I nudged Cy from behind my leg. "H-Hi everyone," Cy said cutely. I swear if she showed her slightly aggressive side it would be a whole different story because of this. "Awwwww," Everyone shouted. Yamabuki reached down and started stretching cheeks. Cy tried to say "Hey stop it!", but it came out like gibberish. Once Yamabuki let go of her she immediately turned around and latched on to me. "Big brother, who are these people?" Cy said. "These are my friends, so don't be so scared about it," I said, rubbing the top of her head. "Don't worry guys, she's sometimes shy around new people." 

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