Chapter 2. Accepted in Sweets Royal

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"Ichigo... Is it really okay to transfer here..?"

   Vanilla asked carefully.

"Of course! I don't want to be there any more too. Oh, looks like we're here."

   In front of Ichigo and Vanilla, there was a big church-like school. By the entrance there was a sign saying 'Kurohana'.

"Thank goodness my grandmother was a good friend and a rival with the chairman here.."

"Yeah... It really is.."

"Ichigo Amano-san?"

   As Ichigo went through the entrance 3 girls appeared in front of Ichigo.

"Yes, I'm Ichigo Amano!"

"I'm Rin Kuroda. I'm the President of the Student Council here."

   A girl with a long black hair introduced herself.

"I'm Miko Sato."

   Said the girl with short hight and long purplish black hair.

"And I'm Sakura Aomori!"

   A girl with a light pink hair said with a lot of energy. Then they gave a short tour of their school to Ichigo.

"And finally... This is where patissere class takes place. And like St. Marie, we have normal classes like math, science, history."

   Sakura spoke out.

"And for us, patissier class, we need to take French class too."

   Said Miko with despair voice and face.

"Hahaha..... I know..... It's so cruel..."

   Ichigo's energy has disappeared thinking how much she suffered with French class.

"Amano, come. We'll show you our dormroom."

   Then Rin started to walk.

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"This is our dormroom. You'll be sharing with us."

   Said Rin.

"Really?! That's exciting!"

   Anyone could know that Ichigo was excited because of the excitement in her voice.

"Now rest for today, Amano. You have a whole day of studying tomorrow waiting for you."

"Okay. Thanks. And just 'Ichigo' is fine."

"Then. Have a good rest Ichigo."

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   Next day has started with math class. Thanks for the previous harsh studies with 'old' friends, she did a good job. And because she had promised herself that she would get in at least top 5 in exams, she worked harder then before.

"Ichigo, next is cooking class."

   She changed her clothes into patissere uniform.

"Amano Ichigo will be assigned in Group A."

   Teacher announced.

"Ichigo-nechan! We're in the same group!"

   Sakura shouted in happiness.

"Today's assignment is making your own cake. Now, start baking!"

   Ichigo and the rest went to their space and started making cakes. Rin was using chocolate, Miko seemed like she will use sugar crafting and Sakura was using green and white colors to make it look more Japan styled.

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