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Now that I have come here and forgotten who I am and my friend is? Hmmm I might need to remember that but anyway let's blend in. I really like these people they really think I am funny, especially with their grins. I really am popular here.  Then something hit me something literally hit me in the head and I woke up with somebody crying next to me. He said, "remember me, Bob, your bestie!!! I knew that I had forgotten somebody but the problem is I don't remember him, but at least I know his name. As I looked into is shiny eyes I thought of the last place I might have seen him. At a lake, but I guess it was before I was turned into a clown. I guess I always thought of him as a friend but now I want to eat him. I really do not know anything about him, but the old me did.
     I am going to figure out who he is and how I am here. So on my adventure I decided to pack food so I don't eat him. I am going to get to know him and we are going to bond.  I need to figure this out because yesterday a clown told me, while laughing, that if I don't hurry along this is going to be permanent. By that I mean I will be a clown forever.
I kind of don't mind. They think I am funny and the real world does not. I might keep this going for a bit longer. Did I mention that I only have two days before this becomes permanent?
Bob told me to "remember". I wish I could, but all I did was laugh. I decided to go paint because the clown that told me my "Permanent Day" told me that it soothes them, and it does. I guess that could not be so bad.

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