(1 year) BLOND BOY

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WAKE UP EMA! I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw my mum.
I seed and closed my eyes again.
Wake up Ema you got
a letter.
I jumped of my bed.
I asked exited.
In the kichen on the table.
I run downstairs and went to the
There I find my sister,Sarah.
We're not identicat Like other twins we just have birthday on same day.
I grabbed letter from the table and looked at my sister.
Sarah is this what I think it is?
I asked.
Yep, She sed.
I opened my letter and iz sed that I am invited to school of wizardy and wichcraft Hogwarts. It also sed what books I need , and that I need a wand.
I was so exited.

It's been  three days till I got my letter for Hogwarts.
I was going to Diagon Alley with my sister and parents. We were Pureblood's but I honestly didn't care.
But There's my sister who can brag about  it whole day.
After buying books my sister went to buy a wand. But I decided to Stay outside and Eat a Chocolate ice cream. My parents Were with Sarah so I was alone across the street. When I saw my sister is Done I started to walk to them but then I boomped into a boy.
Hey watch where you- he didn't finis his sentance  he looked in my eyes and i looked in his. He had beautyful blue-grey eyes,blond hear and he was  little taller than me. If you weren't beautyful I would be angry right now. He seed.
I heard my parents calling me.
I have to go now, i seed.
Oh ok. He sed.
And I walked away .
Who was that boy you we're Talking to Sarah askeed. I don't know.
I entered Olivander'shop and he greeted me he gave my few wands before he sed : I wonder.
Then he gave me this wand that was beautiful brown with decoracions on him that Look Like animals.
I took the wand and I got this Strange feeling that I can't explain.
Well go ahead try it.
I wawed with my wand and sudenly there Were fireworks in room.
Interesting he seed.
What is interesting sir ?
Well there is only 1 wand Like this and of course you're holding it.
I didn't say anithing anymore .
So this is first story I wrote and I hope you Like it . Well it will probobly be just 1 or 2 readers soo....
Well aniway Thanks for reading and sorry for grammer mistakes:)
Oh and on the top of this is a pikcure of Ema Rose Williams;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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