"Next will be I-A performing Red Riding Hood! Around of applause please." The emcee said through the microphone as everyone clapped their hands at the same time Kenji walked inside the auditorium and took a seat on the last row. He heard giggles a few seats away from him, a group of girls were checking him out. "Hey." A girl whose black hair pulled into a high ponytail and orange eyes approached him. "Can I sit here?" She asked. Kenji looked at her and back to the closed curtain stage. "I'll take that as a yes." She said and sat down next to him. "My name is Kira by the way." She said introducing herself as she held out her hand for him to shook which he simply ignore. Kira pulled her hand back and pouted then came up with a brilliant idea.

"Leaf High huh? I heard that it's famous for their swimming team and I heard that Yamaguchi Kenji is their best swimmer." She said trying to open up a conversation with him. "Can you shut up? You're too annoying." Kenji insulted the girl. She gasp at his words and stormed off. "Finally." Kenji said as he watched the play that Sarada and the rest of her class was in. On the corner of his eyes, he spotted a curly pink haired girl tied in a high ponytail wearing a black buttoned up polo, a blue green tie that matches her skirt, black knee socks and brown shoes sitting alone. His heart started to beat two times faster inside his chest. As soon as the girl turned to look at his way, his breath hitched. "Shay.." he said her name softly. Kenji's brown eyes met her violet ones but Shay looked away as she stood up and walked outside, her blue green uniform coat on her hanging on her shoulders.

The girl walked out of the auditorium as Kenji followed her in suit but as soon as he stepped out she was no longer in sight. His eyes searched everywhere till he saw a pink hair again. "Shay wait!" Kenji called out as he ran towards the girl but people were blocking him, causing him to lose sight of the girl again. He groaned out frustratedly and held his head. He looked at the ground and saw a nameplate.

Xenia, Shay
II - B
Leaf High

Kenji's eyes widen as he read the nameplate. "Shay.." he spoke her name softly as he brushed his thumb on the nameplate.

Meanwhile in the auditorium Sarada and the rest or her class had a successful play. The guys were eyeing Sarada the whole time but didn't know who she actually was and of course the girls kept giggling and squealing everytime Inojin nor Boruto would have their scenes. "Man that was tiring." Sarada sighed as she sat down on her desk since she decided to retreat to their classroom, the fangirls were too noisy gathering their classmates as well as Chocho and Sumire's fans club. Sarada had her fan club as well but she managed to get away from them and felt safe since the window of their classroom was covered in curtains in preparation for their cafe tomorrow.

The door opened and Boruto stepped inside their classroom as he panted heavily due to running away from his fanclub. His electric blue eyes met Sarada's dark orbs and not one of them broke the contact. "Hey." Boruto cleared his throat breaking the contact as Sarada looked down on her feet. "Fanclub?" She asked. "Yeah." Boruto chuckled. "You?" He asked. "Same." Sarada answered. There was an awkward silence between the two when Boruto cleared his throat again. He walked towards Sarada and placed his hands on her desk, trapping her. "W-what are you doing?" Sarada asked, her eyes where everywhere but on his. "Sarada, I need to tell you something." Boruto said seriously. "I don't want to hear it." Sarada said before he'd spill the words out of his mouth.

"Huh? Did I hear you right?" Boruto asked irritatedly. "I said I don't wanna hear it!" Sarada said covering her ears with her hands. "W-wha?!" After all these time of wanting to confess at the girl who stole his attention, his heart and his eyes the day finally came when he finally gathered his courage to tell her his feelings but she wouldn't hear any of it. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Boruto exclaimed. Sarada ran away from Boruto, not caring that she didn't have the chance to change her Red Riding Hood clothes. "YOU LITTLE CHICK! COME OVER HERE!" Boruto shouted as he chase Sarada down the halls, even he didn't have the chance to change. His bushy wolf ears are still intact in his head, his bushy tail flowing behind him.

"NO! WHATEVER YOU'RE GONNA SAY I'M NOT GONNA HEAR ANY OF IT!" Sarada shouted back at him as she kept running away from him, covering her ears I may add. "LISTEN YOU LITTLE CHICK! WHEN SOMEONE'S CONFESSING YOU GOTTA HEAR AT LEAST AT THE END OF IT! RUNNING AWAY IS STUPID!" Boruto shouted at her. "THEN DON'T CONFESS AND GO AWAY!" Sarada said. The reason why she's running away is because during the play both shared a kiss and something sparked inside Sarada that she couldn't explain in words and she remembered her late mom telling her that you'll know you're in love when you start to feel something towards that certain person and you can't put it in words.

"JUST LISTEN YOU PIP-SQUEAK! STOP RUNNING!" Boruto shouted at the girl whom he kept chasing. "THEN STOP CHASING ME!" Sarada shouted back. Everyone witnessed as Boruto chased Sarada down the halls. Boruto jumped towards Sarada as they both fell on the floor, Sarada on top of Boruto as he hugged her closely to him. "Finally..." Boruto panted heavily. "W-what are y-you.." Sarada was cut off as Boruto hugged her tightly. "I finally caught you.. please... d-don't.. ran away.. anymore.." Boruto said as he panted heavily. "Just.. come.. and love.. me.." he confessed. Sarada's face grew red as she threw a punch at Boruto hitting him straight on the jaw. "Crap!" He cursed as he let go of Sarada and held his jaw, Sarada ran down the hall as Boruto stared at her retreating figure.

"It's okay Boruto, everyone would go through that stage. Just give the girl sometime to think about it, she'll come around." An old teacher said comforting Boruto who is sitting down on the tiled floor. "Don't worry Boruto you still have me!" His fangirls said gathering around him. Boruto facepalmed and sighed. How can I ever get to make Sarada know how I feel. He thought defeatedly.

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