Seer and the Saiyan Legacy (DBZ)

Start from the beginning

"Hey look, it's the outcasts" they heard a chuckle from behind and turned to see the Ginyu Force approaching, a sight Seer didn't want to see this early in the morning.

"Look who's talking Ginyu, you guys are the most miss-matched group on this planet" Seer smirked.

"It's better than a monkey, a rodent and a fish I suppose." It was Guldo that joined in this time.

"Shut up cockroach" Hammy looked down at him. "Let's see, a bull, an overgrown oompa-loompa, the deep blue sea and I don't know what the hell you're supposed to be." he glared at Recoome.

"Yeah, how can you talk about other people with that group?" Dels added in.

"Here mate, you can't talk to us like that, we're an elite group, the best in King Kold's army!" Jeice snarled.

"and they're kids, can't you find someone your own size to bully" Vegeta smirked, ruffling his daughters hair. With a huff, Ginyu spun on his heel and stomped away, the rest of his 'force' close behind.

"Are you all right?" Vegeta asked his daughter.

"Yes daddy," the girl replied

"Good, because I have to go on a mission for a couple of days, will you be okay here alone?"

"Of course, I always am," Seer grinned.

"Okay, don't get into trouble, keep on everyone's good side and keep the room tidy," Vegeta listed, "you know the drill,"

"Yes daddy," her grin didn't falter. Vegeta walked away with Nappa and Raditz at his heels, as soon as he disappeared from earshot, "HOUSE PARTY!" she squealed and her and her two friends ran at top speed towards her room on the ship.

Well it was fun, but she knew the fun was over and the work had to begin now that her friends had left. Chocolate and crisp wrappers littered the house as well as bottles and cans, ice-cream was still smudged up the metal wall from where Dels had been frightened by the horror movie they were watching. She set to work, putting the house right before her father returned. She wiped the last of the stains from the wall and threw the cloth into the sink, then turned to look at the clock. It was midnight, well past curfew, no-one would notice if she went a wander...

Chapter 3: Destiny

Okay, so maybe it wasn't a good idea to watch that horror movie. She blinked a couple of times then looked expectantly into the corner. The apparition was still there. She inched a little closer to get a better look. The first thing she noticed was those dark eyes with a glint of silver, sure she had seen them before, then the wild hair and finally the tail. A tail? He couldn't be a Saiyan, they had all died along with the planet, she would know if there was another on Frieza's ship, right? She was the princess after all. She reached out a pale hand, it slipped straight through his chest with an icy chill. She opened her mouth to speak and he did the same. They both politely shut their mouths and stared at each other, waiting for one of them to speak. "Who are you?" Seer braved to ask when she concluded that he would not speak.

"I am Bardock," he told her, a wispy tinge to his voice. She had heard that name before, but where?

"I'm-" she began but was cut off.

"You are Seer," he said in his whisper of a voice, "and you will stand up to Frieza," then, before she could ask any questions, he was gone.

"What do you mean?" she whispered into the emptiness, but he didn't reappear.

She heard footsteps and glanced around for a place to hide, there was none, she was trapped. The only things in the room were the five long, paneled windows lining the walls. The footsteps came closer and she turned to run, only to bang head-first into something solid. She looked up from the ground and hid her fear. Standing above her was the form of Frieza's right-hand-man, his emerald plait glistening with water. "I thought I heard someone, monkey," he smirked with an air of arrogance, "and my, my aren't we in trouble now,"

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