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The Genre Awards aim to uncover hidden talent of the authors, based on their writing skills and not the amount of reads they have.

They will be held periodically for different genres with minimal rules and regulations.

After judging many contests and even hosting them, I find a lot of books deserving of attention and a chance at awards.

If you think your book deserves to be in the spotlight among the various other famous books, TGA will be the first step in that direction!

Note:We are not directly affiliated to Wattpad.

Some Rules or Guidelines as you can call them, are to be followed:

#1 Follow this account -TheGenreAwards- to be notified of further announcements.

#2You can enter only two books at max. that too, for different category.

• Forms are in every genre chapter(Below the chapter titled 'Fantasy/Historical'

#3 The language of the book should be English.

#4 Your book does not have to completed but it should have at least 3 chapters. (Includes Prologue)
Also, it should have less than 50K reads!
(Includes Prologue)

#5 I'll be accepting 10 entries per category!

#6 Sorry, but Mature(except for a little bit of swearing) and LGBTQ won't be accepted.

That's it!

You can tag your friends here if you think they might be interested!

Have fun!

(CLOSED)The Genre Awards 2018Where stories live. Discover now