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Serena's POV
     I was laying down in the plane thing. My head on Captain America or Steve as they were calling him. He was petting me to keep me calm. Although he didn't have to, but it felt nice so I let him. We land at a place called Stark tower. Steve carries me inside below since we were on the roof. He sets me down and gives me a pat on the head. I hear someone walking around two floors below. I start heading in that direction thinking it's an enemy. I run at top speed down the stairs and at a black haired man wearing green. "Aaaahhh" the man in green said as he landed on the ground when I knocked him down. I'm currently standing on his chest growling and barking. "Can someone get this thing off me" the man in green yells. I hear footsteps approaching. I glance behind me to see the avengers standing there shocked I had gotten down two flights of stairs so fast. They then started laughing. "Sorry Loki. I think she might have thought you were an enemy. It also seems that one of her powers is the ability to run faster than light. And perhaps her sense of hearing is stronger than an ordinary dog. Loki this is Serena, she was trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. as a war and therapy dog. She was taken by Hydra and experimented on. She now has powers. Serena this is Loki an ally. So you should probably get off him" Steve says laughing. I get of the man in green known as Loki. I lick his hand to say sorry. "It looks like she's apologizing Loki. You can't stay mad at her anyways. She's too cute for that" Natashia said laughing still. Loki gives me a look then sighs. He reaches out to pet me. I let him and wag my tail. He gives a slight smile. "That's the first time I've seen you smile at a real life thing. Well at least not an evil smile I mean" Tony says astonished. Thor comes over and reaches to pet me too. I let him pet me enjoying the attention. But I then smell something burning and head over to where I smelt the burning thing at. I bark the whole way with them following me. When I get there I let out a big bark. Clint being the one closest to me sees the small flames on the stove. "Shit! Someone left the stove on" he yells grabbing the attention of the others. He quickly turns the stove off turning the fire off. "How in the heck did Serena know that about the flames. Those flames weren't enough for a wolf with the best sense of smell to sniff out" Bruce said. They looked at me as I saw something flying this way. I went over to the window and barked. They started walking towards me. But before they got to me they stopped. They look astonished. A red man with a yellow cape was flying towards us. He landed and looked at me then the avengers. So this is the dog I was told about. They nodded and Steve said "it seems one of her gifts is eyesight better than a hawk's". This red man gave a weird feeling. He crouched beside me and I heard a voice in my head. 'Hello young dog. I hear your name is Serena'. It was then I figured out the red man was speaking to me telepathically. 'Hello yes my name is Serena. Who are you' I asked in my mind. I heard a chuckle from him in my mind. 'My name is Vision. I need to know your powers and abilities so we can train you to use them' I heard him think to me. ' Oh. Okay. I have super speed which makese faster than light and sound. Super strength that makes me strong enough to lift a bus full of people. I have enhancements with my senses of sight, smell, and hearing. Their a hundred times stronger than a wolf's' I think to him. After that I go lie down. He tells the others. They're a little shocked but they each make their own promise to help train me and get me able to control my powers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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