Officially Mirandy

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A/N: Sorry if updates for this fic are slow. I have a few other fics to work on too.

All pictures are from Pinterest. The pictures may or may not relate to each chapter. I own nothing of DWP. All rights go to their respective owners. No copyright infringements intended.

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As always my good peeps, please enjoy your reading!

Miranda and Andy finally felt relieved of the weight on the shoulders once, they fully announced that they we're a couple. Although they were relieved, they were slightly nervous about how, Caroline and Cassidy, Miranda's twins were going to handle and deal with whatever the tabloids printed. Thankfully, neither of the four had to deal with this until Monday morning.

Monday morning had finally arrived along with the paparazzi that were practically camped out in front of the townhouse. Miranda was up at 5am, when her alarm went off. As usual, she went straight downstairs to open up the front door and pick up a various assortment of tabloids and newspapers. As Miranda opened the front door, she was greeted with multiple questions and a copious amount of cameras clicking and flashing away. "Bloody freaking hell." she muttered under her breath. She didn't so much mind the paparazzi if it weren't for the barrage of questions and the blinding flashes coming from the cameras. As quickly as she could, Miranda picked up all of the papers and magazines and went back inside, ignoring any and all questions that were asked. Once she was inside, Miranda made her way into the kitchen to make her and Andy some coffee. Miranda was looking at the covers of all the papers and tabloid magazines, judging by the look of things, their relationship had become famous over the weekend. They had even made a nickname for the couple. Before Miranda poured herself a cup of coffee, she walked up to the bedroom her and Andy shared. When she entered the room, Andy had shifted in her sleep from her side of the bed, to the middle of the bed. She quietly tiptoed to the bed so she could wake up her girlfriend. Shaking her gently, Miranda said, "Come on darling, it's time for you to get up." Andy picked her head up to see who dared interrupt her sleep. "Ugh, 5 more minutes please?" Andy muttered as her head fell back on the pillows. The question made Miranda laugh to herself. She thought Andrea was so adorable all mussed with sleep. Miranda sat gently down on the bed and carefully turned her to where she was laying on her back. Andy still hadn't stirred very much. So what did Miranda do? She did the one thing that would be a sure fire plan to wake her girlfriend up. Leaning over Andrea, Miranda placed a slow and gentle kiss to her lips. That was what made Andy wake up. When Andrea was completely awake, she wrapped herself in her favorite cerulean colored silk robe and, followed Miranda downstairs to the kitchen.

Once down in the kitchen, Andy sat at the island, where in front of her, was a cup of coffee that Miranda had poured for her. Sitting next to Andy, Miranda picked up Page Six magazine to look at the cover. With her one eyebrow raised, Miranda said, "Apparently Page Six found it necessary to give us a pet name. Care to guess what they decided on calling us?" Before answering the question, Andy took a sip of her coffee. "I haven't a clue. But I am guessing it's ridiculous?" Miranda tossed the magazine in front of her. "As ridiculous as it may be, I admit it is kind of adorable. They decided to give us the pet name of Mirandy. How endearing." With a burst of laughter, Andy looked at Miranda and said, "You're right, it's ridiculous and adorable. Speaking of tabloids and such, dare I ask how many paparazzi are outside?" Miranda got up and walked over to the coffee pot, to pour herself another cup. "More than I had figured there would be. I was thinking we should keep the twins home for a few days, provided we can get their homework and, we should work from home that way, we can avoid the hassle of the tabloids and paparazzi for today. What do you think my love?" Andy thought for a minute about what Miranda had said. "Honestly, that's probably a good thing. I'd say we do it for at least a couple days and let the paparazzi die down a little. I can have Roy take me to Dalton to pick up Caroline and Cassidy's homework. Or would you rather Jocelyn get their homework?" Picking up her cellphone, Miranda told Andy, "Call Jocelyn and tell her to pick up the twin's homework and whatever other items that may be needed. While you do that, I am going to call Nigel and tell him to bring everything here. Oh and Andrea, after you get off the phone with Jocelyn, can you wake up Caroline and Cassidy?" Getting up from where she was sitting, Andy gave Miranda a chaste kiss. "Yes Miranda, I can."

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