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3rd person p.o.v

she walked into the alley, lighting a blunt as she did so. she loved the feeling of being high; it numbed the pain. she never really had anyone there for her, they would always leave. she puffed out air, her vision getting blurrier. from across the street, she saw a man with blonde hair. he had a cigarette in his mouth whilst holding a beer bottle. she squinted her eyes for a better look.

kaiya was a little drunk. she wore black torn up jeans, an oversized sweat-shirt and vans. she never dressed up. "too girly" as her best friend would say. the outside world was like hell; you don't know anyone you can trust. at least that's how kaiya felt.

a hand gripped her wrist as she fell backwards. a man, around early 20s, pulled her up. he had dimples, curly brown hair, face tats and a neck tat that said "32".

"you shouldn't be in this part of town by yourself, it's pretty dangerous." and yet, she felt safe with him. she looked into his eyes, smiling.

"and you would happen to appear like a hero to save me, huh?" she teases, "im kaiya, you?"

he licked his lips as he scratched the back of his neck, "diego, people call me lil xan."

"well, diego, i feel like im gonna puke and i really need to lay down, help?" she stumbled over, watching as diegos eyes fell on her face.

"woah woah, is everything okay?"

"i just said that im gonna-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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