"How is she...Damn!" James had just come over and looked from my face to the nicely forming bruise that the others seemed to be staring at and one I have not looked to see yet. If it looked as bad as it felt then I knew it would be nasty but the full colouring wouldn't show for at least another hour or two.

"Hey can you go get my stuff and get one of the girls to get Mac's? We'll meet you out in the hall." Nick was talking to James ignoring my protests of being capable of doing it myself. "Listen we both know all you have in your favour right now are words so you have two options. Let me help you willingly to the car or I pick you up which might end up with you in more pain since you are too stupid not to fight. Which is it?" If Nick would have been smirking I would have told him off but the only thing that I could see on his face was true concern.

"Fine!" I huffed allowing him to wrap an arm around my waist and walk us back to the building.  Almost at the doors I asked, "So when do I get to meet the real Nick?" He looked at me confused so I elaborated. "Is it the douchebag Nick? The sweet caring Nick? Or the one that sees more than he should but hides behind another Nick?"

He didn't answer at first and I thought he wouldn't and I wasn't going to ask again. If he didn't want to share that was his business not mine. "Which do you prefer?" His voice was soft.

"The real one so I know whether or not to ignore you or maybe talk to you sometimes. To be honest your split personalities are making me dizzy." I always let my guard down when the sweet caring Nick was around and I wasn't sure if I liked that. It would most likely end up with me being hurt one way or the other.

Before he could answer he started yelling at someone, "Like what you see!" I turned to see where he was looking at and caught a glimpse of Jenson who I thought had a look of shame on his face but he turned around too fast for me to know for sure.

When we got onto the building James and Jason were walking our way. James passed Nick's backpack over to him and Jason did the same to me but before I could grab it Nick did. "You just concentrated on walking."   

We were almost at the front door when I remembered I wasn't wearing a shirt. "Fuck! Nick give me your shirt! Hurry!" There was no mistake in the panic in my voice. It caught them all off guard.

Nick started to pass it to me but stopped mid motion. "What's wrong?" He was looking around everywhere probably trying to figure out why all of a sudden I was in panic mode.

"Come on Nick, please! If M1 sees me like this his is going to go all stupid like and cancel our training tonight." And now I was practically begging. M1 and I had a thing going. He would bribe me into doing something I didn't like doing like having dinner with the others and I would counter with an extra training session. Today I said I would have dinner in the hall and watch a movie in the theatre for an extra hour of training. But with the way I looked I knew he would cancel everything. I was learning so much and improving but still had a way to go. If I had my say I would be training with him 5 days a week instead of 3. Hell my birthday was in a little over a month so I was running out of time.

Nick looked taken back before anger reached his face. Pulling the shirt that was a mere inch from my fingers. "Are you fucking kidding me right now? It doesn't matter if you wore the damn shirt or not. I am telling Tony. Fuck Mac how many hours did you train yesterday? Hell, how many hours did you workout yesterday. You slept through your alarm and damn close to being as pale as a fucking ghost. You are not training today!" This time it was me taken back. I had never seen Nick mad before and he was pissed. It was me being caught off guard at his rampage that I didn't realize we were already out the door and a fuming M1 was stomping his way closer to us.

"You deal with her." Nick shouted at M1. "Jason tell him what happened. I can't deal with stupidity right now." Nick stormed off to let me deal with another pissed off guy.

I pushed past M1 which was easier then I thought in a way but then again he was too engrossed talking to Jason and James. I was in the car with my earbuds in listening to my music by the time M1 got in the car. James jumped in the back.

The car ride home was quiet and tense. Before the car came to a full stop I jumped out. Which I regretted  immediately when a sharp pain shot through my ribs. Clenching my teeth down tight I pushed the pain aside and walked to the house. I was halfway up the first set of stairs when M1 finally made it in the house.

"Mac! Get your ass down here you need to see the doctor!" He roared from the bottom of the stairs.

I kept walking and waved goodbye. "I'm good!"

"Dammit! For once could you not be a stubborn bitch?" He was still pissed but knew he lost the battle.

"Love you too!" I shouted back since I had already turned the corner to head up the next set of stairs.

I heard a few more muffled voices but I could pick out M1's. I wasn't sure if it was because he was still shouting or if my hearing was just attuned to his voice. I heard the words niece, stubborn, soccer, bitch, and a few fuck's. It made me chuckle. So far I seemed to be the only one that got him going. I took pride in that in  a twisted kind of way.

Not Your Luna--The Broken Bond (book 1 COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora